Dusseldorf Country: GermanyViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday in Düsseldorf the person involved is transferred to representatives of the Russian law enforcement agencies for delivery to MoskvToday in Düsseldorf the person involved is transferred to representatives of the Russian law enforcement agencies for delivery to Moskv3/4/2021Irina VolkThere are certain Germans who come to us to winter, because apartment rent with payment of housing and communal services in four months in Kaliningrad [at cost] as one month in Düsseldorf12/15/2022Anton AlikhanovWe are very glad to continuity preservation in support by ober-burgomasters of Düsseldorf of partner projects with MoscowWe are very glad to continuity preservation in support by ober-burgomasters of Düsseldorf of partner projects with Moscow6/1/2021Sergei ChereminToday in Düsseldorf the person involved is transferred to representatives of the Russian law enforcement agencies for delivery to MoskvToday in Düsseldorf the person involved is transferred to representatives of the Russian law enforcement agencies for delivery to Moskv3/4/2021Irina VolkThere are certain Germans who come to us to winter, because apartment rent with payment of housing and communal services in four months in Kaliningrad [at cost] as one month in Düsseldorf12/15/2022Anton AlikhanovWe are very glad to continuity preservation in support by ober-burgomasters of Düsseldorf of partner projects with MoscowWe are very glad to continuity preservation in support by ober-burgomasters of Düsseldorf of partner projects with Moscow6/1/2021Sergei ChereminToday in Düsseldorf the person involved is transferred to representatives of the Russian law enforcement agencies for delivery to MoskvToday in Düsseldorf the person involved is transferred to representatives of the Russian law enforcement agencies for delivery to Moskv3/4/2021Irina Volk12371Region News+27 last weekMayor since 2014Thomas Gaysel0Media ScoreMayor since 2014Thomas Gaysel737years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 1288+49211Dialing code251Connections+160 last weekPopulation612 178NewsConnections Tree
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