The national team New Zealand declared structure on the Cup of confederations

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Became known structure of the national team New Zealand in which she will act on the Cup of confederations-2017 to Russian Federation. About it it is reported on the official site to Football association New Zealand.

Structure were declared by the head coach of team Khadson Anthony. The list included 23 persons.

Goalkeepers: Marinovich Stephane ("Unterkhakhing", Germany), Tamati Williams ("Valveyk", Netherlands), Glen Moss (" Newcastle upon Tyne Dzhets", Australia);

Defenders: Andrew Dirant, Doyl Thomas (both is" Vellington Phoenix"), Strom Ru ("Central Kost Mariners", Australia), Makglinchi Michael Boksell ("Supersports Yunayted", South Africa), Kip Kolvi (" San Jose Ertkveyks", United States of America), Those Tsimopulos ("Yannina", Greece), Deklan Wynn (" Vancouver Uaytkeps", Canada), Brazerton Sam ("Sunderland", England), Tommie Smith Shane (" Ipswich the Town", England), Dane Ingem (" Brisbane Roar", Australia);

Halfbacks: Bill Tuiloma ("Marseille", France), Clayton Lewis (" Oakland City"), Makglinchi Michael, Alex Rafer (both is" Vellington Phoenix"), Thomas Ryan ("Tsvolle", Netherlands), Rokhas Marco (" Melbourne Viktori", Australia);

Forwards: Chris Wood ("Leeds Yunayted", England), Monty Patterson (" Ipswich Town", England), Smith Shane ("Borneo", Indonesia), Costa Barbaruses (" Vellington Phoenix").

Certainly, a little that will tell all these names to vast majority of the Russian fans of soccer though the main part of players of the New Zealand national team and acts abroad, including, in Europe. Nevertheless, with this team wards Stanislas Cherchesov should play the first match on a house Cup of confederations-2017.

"I with excitement and optimism watch

at our chances to Russian Federation. I feel that we go on this tournament as really strong team, - the mentor of New Zealanders Khadson Anthony declared. - We are concentrated on our work and we are not going to relax in the forthcoming matches - we know that the top and national teams will be our rivals. But we have a strong team, and we intend to make the business. It will be delightful tournament".

the Cup of confederations will pass

from June 17 to July 2 in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan and Sochi. The match between the national teams Russian Federation and New Zealand will take place on June 17 in Saint Petersburg and will begin at 18:00. Also in group A together with our national team teams of Portugal and Mexico will act.