Three Russian athletes admitted the dope use

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Three Russian athletes — pushers of a kernel Omarova  Anna and Tsirikhov Soslan, and also the runner Chermoshanskaya Julia admitted the dope use. Earlier Chermoshanskaya Julia was deprived of the gold medal Olympic Games-2008 Beijing in female relay of 4kh100 m


All-russian public organization "VFLA" (VFLA) disqualified Chermoshanskaya Julia for two years for violation of anti-doping rules at the Olympic Games of 2008 in Beijing. Last year International Olympic Committee deprived our national team of a gold medal in relay of 4kh100 m because of a positive doping test Chermoshanskaya Julia.

the runner signed a form of recognition of sanctions for violation of anti-doping rules. The same recognitions were signed by pushers of a kernel Omerova Anna and Tsirikhov Soslan, earlier disqualified VFLA for two years for the use of the forbidden substance – turinabola.