Tax load of citizens of the republic did not increase – Vyshegurov Tamerlan

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The chief of the department Federal Tax Service on the region Vyshegurov Tamerlan reported during meeting to Nazran on work of local governments on registration of the rights for property of natural and legal entities and updating of tax base on property taxes.

According to him, the republican law adopted on October 31, 2014, providing transition to calculation taxes on property from natural persons at cadastral cost, allowed to increase number of taxable objects with 26469 to 36563 units.

according to the speaker, the sum of tax revenues of budget in 2016 for a year before last made 14,7 million rubles that is 17,1% more, than in 2014. Thus tax load of citizens of the republic did not increase.

Growth of charges happened due to involvement in a taxable turn of objects of the capital construction used in business activity. In 2015 366 such objects are involved in a turn, and in 2016 – 375 units.

"Despite positive dynamics of increase in taxable base, in municipalities still have objects of capital construction of the businessmen, not registered in a generally established order in Federal Registration Service", - Vyshegurov Tamerlan emphasized.

B of 2016 from revealed 140 as a result of collaboration with local governments registered 110 objects.

according to tax specialists, as of March 21 of this year in the republic 31 objects which have not been put on the cadastral account are.

Press service of Head of RI