Nazran Republic of Ingushetia, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreA today's situation in anywhere. Nazran - Ekazhevo through a circle and the federal highway. It is inconceivable. It was necessary to begin from there generally. This outcome to make and go furtherA today's situation in anywhere. Nazran - Ekazhevo through a circle and the federal highway. It is inconceivable. It was necessary to begin from there generally. This outcome to make and go further10/5/2023Makhmud-Ali KalimatovFor me Nazran — the native and favourite city. I am glad to that I have an opportunity and further to serve the people, the city for the good of its development! 10/17/2023Uruskhan YevloevA today's situation in anywhere. Nazran - Ekazhevo through a circle and the federal highway. It is inconceivable. It was necessary to begin from there generally. This outcome to make and go furtherA today's situation in anywhere. Nazran - Ekazhevo through a circle and the federal highway. It is inconceivable. It was necessary to begin from there generally. This outcome to make and go further10/5/2023Makhmud-Ali KalimatovFor me Nazran — the native and favourite city. I am glad to that I have an opportunity and further to serve the people, the city for the good of its development! 10/17/2023Uruskhan YevloevA today's situation in anywhere. Nazran - Ekazhevo through a circle and the federal highway. It is inconceivable. It was necessary to begin from there generally. This outcome to make and go furtherA today's situation in anywhere. Nazran - Ekazhevo through a circle and the federal highway. It is inconceivable. It was necessary to begin from there generally. This outcome to make and go further10/5/2023Makhmud-Ali Kalimatov12177Region News+31 last weekHead since 2019Uruskhan Yevloev0Media ScoreHead since 2019Uruskhan Yevloev243years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17814:59:19 AMGMT+36RUS+7 8732Dialing code291Connections+38 last weekPopulation122 261NewsConnections Tree
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