Deputies of Duma of Vladivostok met colleagues from North-East Asia

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Deputies of Duma of Vladivostok participated in a forum of Legislative Assemblies of the region North-East Asia, reports Russian information agency "".

"The eighth forum of chairmen of regional Legislative Assemblies of the region North-East Asia, devoted to a subject of expansion of a cultural, tourist and economic exchange, there passed in the Japanese city gorod Akita on April 18. Representatives of twelve Legislative Assemblies and representative bodies of municipalities participated in action from five countries: Japan, Russian Federation, China, South Korea, Mongolia. In work of a forum took part the chairman of Duma of Vladivostok Helena Novitskaya, the vice-chairman Penyaz Dimitri, the chairman of committee on local government, a law and order and legality Veselov Mikhail, the chairman of committee on the budget, taxes and finance Isakov Vladimir", - it is spoken in the message of Duma of Vladivostok.

In welcome speech the chairman of Legislative Assembly of Prefecture of Akita mister Masatosi Sibuya noted that the forum gives the chance for an exchange of opinions and thanks to such meetings cooperation of Legislative Assemblies became one of effective methods of development of the region North-East Asia. It also expressed confidence that the forum and will promote further to interaction development in different areas for world and stability strengthening in the region.

during forum work with reports on a subject: "On a way to expansion of a cultural, tourist and economic exchange to North-East Asia" chairmen of Legislative Assemblies of provinces Province of South Chungcheong, Kanvondo, Jilin, Niigata, Primorsky territory, prefectures gorod Toyama, Prefecture of Yamagata, Province of Töv, the Yanbyan-Koreysky autonomous area, representative bodies of local government Vladivostok and Khabarovsk acted.


Speaking at a forum, the chairman of Duma of Vladivostok Helena Novitskaya in the report noted: "In development of mutually advantageous communications Russian Federation with Asian and Pacific Rim Vladivostok plays more and more important role that is caused by its geographical proximity to Asian and Pacific Rim and transport availability. The city perspective, dynamically developing and possessing huge potential became now a launch pad for implementation of federal laws on territories of advancing development and about Free port Vladivostok. In this regard there is more many-sided international connection which are established practically in all spheres of life: education, science, culture, economy and trade. for Vladivostok are one of priorities tourism. The city has the rich historical and cultural heritage, an environment favorable for rest, and the available infrastructure allows to provide to city visitors comfortable rest, entertainments, to provide educational services, to hold forums, conferences, exhibitions, festivals, sports competitions of the international level. Existence of various resources creates conditions for implementation of many types of tourism: business, cultural and entertaining, educational, ecological, event. In this regard the Duma Vladivostok considers tourism as one of perspective and highly effective branches of a city economy and much attention pays to creation of conditions for its development. Deputies highly appreciate opportunities for development of the international interaction in this sphere and are ready to support the useful initiatives directed on strengthening of friendship and neighborliness".

Following the results of the Eighth forum accepted the memorandum in which it is said that Legislative Assemblies intend to make all efforts for cooperation in different fields of activity and creation of the stable friendly relations with the purpose of achievement of prosperity of the region North-East Asia. Need of interaction for successful holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games which will take place in the city of Pyeongchang of South Korea in 2018, to Tokyo in 2020 and in Beijing in 2022 is especially noted. Also at a forum the decision on a venue of the next Ninth forum of chairmen of regional legislative assemblies of the region North-East Asia - Province of Töv (Mongolia) was made.

Participants of a forum visited with excursions the seaport gorod Akita which Japan is one of the main ports. They got acquainted with work of the enterprise which is engaged in gardening of the city, visited the range for burial of solid household waste, waste recycling plant where production is organized on the basis of the latest technologies.

Making comments on forum work, the vice-chairman of Duma of Vladivostok Penyaz Dimitri noted: "At a forum North-East Asia was a question mainly of tourism development in the region. Chairmen of Legislative Assemblies and representative bodies of local government in the performances focused attention that tourism is one of highly profitable branches of the economy allowing at low consumption of resources to provide a large number of workplaces. Besides, tourism allows people to get acquainted with history, culture, traditions and customs of other people that promotes improvement of mutual understanding and strengthening of good-neighbourhood between the countries closer. During a forum participants exchanged experiment on development of tourism and discussed possibilities of development of economic and cultural exchanges between the region countries".

"The forum of chairmen of regional Legislative Assemblies North-East Asia took place already for the eighth time. It confirms interest of the countries in dialogue, a cultural and economic exchange at regional and municipal level. Last forum devoted to such important question as tourism development in the region, it was very useful as participants of a forum shared the saved up experience on creation of conditions for tourism development. This meeting, certainly, will promote further development of effective and mutually beneficial cooperation between Vladivostok and the cities North-East Asia for the benefit of our states and the people", - the chairman of committee on local government, a law and order and legality Veselov Mikhail considers.

the Chairman of committee on the budget, taxes and finance Isakov Vladimir noted

makes a big contribution to business of expansion of cooperation between the countries. It is sure that thanks to constructive interaction of regional Legislative Assemblies and representative bodies of municipalities exchanges in the sphere of economy, culture and tourism to North-East Asia at interregional and intermunicipal level will extend every year, promoting world and stability strengthening in the region".

Anna Ivanitsyna


: Thought Vladivostok

Helena Novitskaya
Penyaz Dimitri
Veselov Mikhail
Isakov Vladimir