Andrey Petrovich Brik Last position: Chairman (Duma of Vladivostok)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThese works show a great skills, talent, diligence of the author, and also that is very important, patriotism, after all in each picture - love of the artist of RussiaThese works show a great skills, talent, diligence of the author, and also that is very important, patriotism, after all in each picture - love of the artist of Russia11/28/2023Дума города ВладивостокаChildren use a privilege on food. Such measures of support — dot, but very concrete, we tried at Duma meetings, making decisions to some extent somewhere to support these families12/18/2023Messages. SeasideFor us today there is a task. We can help. And we have to help. Those children who are at war today there, on a front line, they have to feel this communication. Though it is far, but it is. We it is sincere with them, spiritually with them and we will be near themFor us today there is a task. We can help. And we have to help. Those children who are at war today there, on a front line, they have to feel this communication. Though it is far, but it is. We it is sincere with them, spiritually with them and we will be near them12/18/2023Messages. SeasideThese works show a great skills, talent, diligence of the author, and also that is very important, patriotism, after all in each picture - love of the artist of RussiaThese works show a great skills, talent, diligence of the author, and also that is very important, patriotism, after all in each picture - love of the artist of Russia11/28/2023Дума города ВладивостокаChildren use a privilege on food. Such measures of support — dot, but very concrete, we tried at Duma meetings, making decisions to some extent somewhere to support these families12/18/2023Messages. SeasideFor us today there is a task. We can help. And we have to help. Those children who are at war today there, on a front line, they have to feel this communication. Though it is far, but it is. We it is sincere with them, spiritually with them and we will be near themFor us today there is a task. We can help. And we have to help. Those children who are at war today there, on a front line, they have to feel this communication. Though it is far, but it is. We it is sincere with them, spiritually with them and we will be near them12/18/2023Messages. SeasideThese works show a great skills, talent, diligence of the author, and also that is very important, patriotism, after all in each picture - love of the artist of RussiaThese works show a great skills, talent, diligence of the author, and also that is very important, patriotism, after all in each picture - love of the artist of Russia11/28/2023Дума города Владивостока12330Related events+7 last weekChairmanDuma of Vladivostok0Media ScoreChairmanDuma of Vladivostok64years oldBornMay 25, 1960KavalerovoRelationship status: He is married86Connections+31 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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PoliticsДепутаты Думы города Владивостока приняли участие в работе IX конференции городского отделения партии «Единая Россия»11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2 minHousing and Utility SectorВстреча главы Владивостока Константина Шестакова с депутатами Думы прошла в администрации городаRussian information agency ""11/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia4.8 minSocial policyАвтопробег «Сила в единстве» стартовал из Владивостока при поддержке депутатов Думы города11/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictДума города Владивостока провела мероприятие по санитарной очистке прилегающей территории11/8/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minSocial policyВ Думе города прошло совещание по подготовке к проведению во Владивостоке мероприятий «Доброй недели»11/7/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.6 minPoliticsСостоялось заседание Общественной молодежной палаты при Думе города Владивостока11/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.5 min
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today14Mobile robotRating: 13Mention frequency13ConnectionsOrganizations48Technologies38Places18People9Events9
Far Eastern Federal DistrictВладивосток отметил День народного единства11/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.8 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictПредседатель Думы Владивостока Андрей Брик поздравляет с Днем народного единстваRussian information agency ""11/4/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.9 minFar Eastern Federal District«Дальрыбтехцентр» показал возможности своих цеховFishnews11/2/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.5 minEducationВ школе на Щитовой во Владивостоке капитально отремонтировали кровлю и возвели спортплощадкуMessages. Seaside11/2/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minPoliticsДепутаты Думы города Владивостока обсудили вопросы укрепления традиций патриотического воспитания курсантов морских вузов11/2/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia3.7 minSocial policyПредседатель Думы города Владивостока Андрей Брик вручил школьникам паспорта гражданина Российской Федерации11/1/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.1 min