To France elect the president

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In France elect the president
To France began

presidential election. On Sunday, April 23, passes the first round. In electoral registers — more than 45 million people, report periodical e-edition "" .

In the European part of the country sites will open at 08:00 on the Parisian time (09:00 Moscow time), outside the state because of a difference of time zones vote began on Saturday, April 22. To France it will end at 20:00 local time (21:00 Moscow time)

Emanuel Makron and the leader "National Front" Party Marine Le Pen are considered as

as Favourites of presidential race the founder of the movement "On March". They with the minimum separation are followed the candidate from center-right party by "Republicans" Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon and the leftist representing the movement "Not Obeyed France" Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon.

Also in fight participate the candidate from ruling Socialist party Benot Amon, the chairman of the party "Get up, France" Dyupon-Enyan Nikolya, the leader "The national republican union Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon Asselino, the candidate from New anti-capitalist party Putu Philipp, the candidate from the French communists Natalie Artaud, the founder of Solidarity and Progress party Jacques Sheminad and the deputy Lassal Zhan.

to avoid data leakages about results, surveys voted at the exit from sites are not conducted. For the analysis sociologists will receive the first data at 19:00 (20:00 Moscow time), at this time on polling stations in the small cities and settlements starts calculation of bulletins.


It is reported about a low appearance in a number of foreign territories. The French mass media provide data of prefectures according to which at 00:00 Moscow time (17:00 local times) in Region of French Guiana this indicator makes 37,31 percent (2012 — 45,73 percent).

B Region of Guadeloupe 34,17 percent of voters came to sites, on Region of Martinique — 34,82 percent, on islands Saint Pierre and Miquelon — 49,1 percent.

France in New York because of the suspicious car. Vote was suspended, however soon it resumed.

the Second round of presidential elections to France is planned by

for May 7.

Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Last position: Deputy (National assembly France)
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
Last position: Chairman of the party (Political party "Vstavay, France")
"National Front"
Political ideology:Social conservatism, anti-globalism, Euroscepticism, protectionism.
National republican union
Political ideology:Консерватизм, популизм, французский национализм, суверанизм, голлизм