Region of French Guiana Country: FranceViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowStart-up go from Baikonur, from Plesetsk and from the spaceport in the French Guiana - Guiana Space Centre - there too until the end of the year there have to be two start-upStart-up go from Baikonur, from Plesetsk and from the spaceport in the French Guiana - Guiana Space Centre - there too until the end of the year there have to be two start-up9/6/2021Dmitry RogozinThe additional equipment of a starting complex "Union" in the French Guiana to piloted level] could become one of such project2/17/2022Dmitry RogozinStart-up go from Baikonur, from Plesetsk and from the spaceport in the French Guiana - Guiana Space Centre - there too until the end of the year there have to be two start-upStart-up go from Baikonur, from Plesetsk and from the spaceport in the French Guiana - Guiana Space Centre - there too until the end of the year there have to be two start-up9/6/2021Dmitry RogozinThe additional equipment of a starting complex "Union" in the French Guiana to piloted level] could become one of such project2/17/2022Dmitry RogozinStart-up go from Baikonur, from Plesetsk and from the spaceport in the French Guiana - Guiana Space Centre - there too until the end of the year there have to be two start-upStart-up go from Baikonur, from Plesetsk and from the spaceport in the French Guiana - Guiana Space Centre - there too until the end of the year there have to be two start-up9/6/2021Dmitry Rogozin125Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low6:05:50 PMGMT-3594Dialing code105Connections+0 last weekPopulation237 549NewsConnections Tree
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