The embassy United Kingdom distributed the statement in connection with passed in Armenia parliamentary elections

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The Embassy of Great Britain distributed the statement in connection with the parliamentary elections which have passed in Armenia

of Arminfo . The embassy United Kingdom to Armenia distributed the statement in connection with passed in the republic on April 2 parliamentary elections.

and pressure upon some voters. United Kingdom welcomed the inclusive process which is carried out by the government, opposition parties and civil society in formation of the new electoral code. Along with other international partners - EU, Germany, United States of America and United Nations - and Government of the Republic of Armenia, United Kingdom supported introduction of new system on identification of voters. We welcome BDIPCh/OBSE assessment that introduction of these devices allowed to reduce violations in a voting process. At the same time, we state existence of complaints and the address about violations during elections and we urge appropriate authorities to carry out effective investigation of these messages. We emphasize that United Kingdom will continue to render assistance to the government, parliament and civil society, all to those who is committed to strengthen democracy, prosperity and stability to Armenia for the benefit of the people>, - United Kingdom, arrived in Arminfo is told in the statement of embassy.