Oganyan Seyran prepares the armed revolution

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"colourfully, light-and with a spark". As always, shortages in contradictions and disputes it is not felt. For example, yesterday there was spread information that in Artashat there was the next pre-election fight. Guys of the godson of the candidate of parliament from right-handed persons of Republican Party Grigoryan Araik, known under the nickname "Ovo's Gas", near gas-filling station in Artashat, belonging to the son of the ex-prime minister Abramyan Ovik to Abramyan Argam, beat the guy Samvel Karapetyan Alebro - the supporter Abramyan Argam.

What effectiveness ratio of such collisions and as far as it promotes growth of a poll of voters, - the answer to this question nobody knows. to

As for "spark", besides it became known that the intense situation in the village Hoznavar led Province of Syunik. The car of the chairman filled up with hay and poured around gasoline. On the Internet the message that allegedly in villages set fire a haystack of several peasants supporters of ARFD (dashnaki) extended.

By the way, Tsarukyan Gagik caused a stir also.

of Premieres Karen Karapetyan even prior to election campaign promised to attract to Armenia investments on 3 billion. And arrived from Moscow his brother Samvel Karapetyan actually confirmed this promise of the prime minister with creation of club of investors. And now the turn reached and to Tsarukyan Gagik who at total meeting of the block declared:" I have literally goosebumps on a body. I did not address to the partners, but, seeing such support, belief that we will win, they declared that will arrive and invest 15 billion dollars. From God's blessing when hour of our victory will come, they by the planes will arrive, will be presented because know - our people good, hardworking, hospitable. I around the world held honor of the country, honor of the people at height".

In a word, Tsarukyan Gagik promises five times more prime minister Samvel Karapetyan. Really it or not, purely election pledge, or the ready program - is not essential because if to Armenia even to enclose 100 billion, all the same will change nothing, there will be only changes of cosmetic character.

But, perhaps, the main hero of election campaign by right can consider by

Oganyan Seyran.

Yesterday on the area Of Freedom Yerevan Oganyan Raffi - Oskanyan" (Province of Oro) meeting which can be considered as a final chord of election campaign of this political force took place called by the block". As write the Armenian mass media, various speeches were heard, then procession along streets of the Armenian capital followed. Speeches of representatives of the block though had the general character, however throughout all meeting that mood prevailed that Province of Oro mainly concentrate on post-elective processes.

In this plan performance Ovanisyan Raffi who in particular told is extremely remarkable: "If it is necessary, after the next falsification, creating resistance centers, we will prevent the next rough violation of the rights of the Armenian people". the leader of the block Oganyan Seyran told p to

A:" In the country where there is no trust, there cannot be investments. Especially as one of the basic principles is "entry into a share".

He noted that it is possible to get out of the created situation only justice. "We made mistakes, but we are ready to self-cleaning and improvement. But it is necessary to work for this purpose day and night and to keep the main thing - advantage. Force will suffice us to delegate the power to the people that her true owner elected the leader who will provide take-off", - Oganyan Raffi told.

It is a shame to p to live in the 21st century in such conditions, it is necessary to be ready to awakening, he told.

in the conditions of prerequisites to creation of the centers of tension, the fighting appeal of the commander of Arabo group, the member of the block of Province of Oro and the glorified marauder Yegiazaryan Manvel quite naturally had to sound:" We are obliged to come for deadly fight. Really you consider that elections are the end. No, fight has to proceed", - he told, opening all their further plans.

By the way, meeting which took place under the slogan "Freedom to Babayan Samvel!" declared the first step of the block, namely: to set free all prisoners of companions, and "the gain of the Bastille" as the spouse of the member of "Constituent parliament" Gukasyan Andrias - Tarkhanyan Anait was figuratively expressed has to follow it.

In a word, these performances suggest that the block Oganyan Seyran becomes the group preparing power capture of the power by revolution. Oganyan Seyran after elections can tell p to

that they were forged, and supposedly "we have to release the Armenian people". By the way, there are all bases to believe that some army commanders respecting Oganyan Seyran, will try to join it up in arms.

So, April to Armenia promises to be roast.

Imanov Sabukhi

Gagik Kolyaevich Tsarukyan
Last position: Party leader (PAP)
Seyran Oganyan
Main activity:Politician
Argam Abraamyan
Last position: Deputy (National assembly of the Republic of Armenia)
Harps "Dashnaktsutyun"
Political ideology:Socialism, left nationalism, patriotism