Province of Syunik Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe western Zangezur (Syuniksky area) now under control of Armenia. But as a result of corridor laying, we, certainly, will return the citizens on the earth of ancestors... Such plans areThe western Zangezur (Syuniksky area) now under control of Armenia. But as a result of corridor laying, we, certainly, will return the citizens on the earth of ancestors... Such plans are11/18/2021Ilkham AlievRussia addressed to Armenia with the offer on Consulate General opening in Syuniksky area. Armenia, having considered all nuances, drew the positive conclusion and the consent10/25/2023Ararat MirzoyanAzerbaijan insists on that "Lachinsky" and "Zangezursky" (through the RA Syuniksky area - an edition) corridors had the identical statusAzerbaijan insists on that "Lachinsky" and "Zangezursky" (through the RA Syuniksky area - an edition) corridors had the identical status10/18/2022Mevlyut ÇavuşoğluThe western Zangezur (Syuniksky area) now under control of Armenia. But as a result of corridor laying, we, certainly, will return the citizens on the earth of ancestors... Such plans areThe western Zangezur (Syuniksky area) now under control of Armenia. But as a result of corridor laying, we, certainly, will return the citizens on the earth of ancestors... Such plans are11/18/2021Ilkham AlievRussia addressed to Armenia with the offer on Consulate General opening in Syuniksky area. Armenia, having considered all nuances, drew the positive conclusion and the consent10/25/2023Ararat MirzoyanAzerbaijan insists on that "Lachinsky" and "Zangezursky" (through the RA Syuniksky area - an edition) corridors had the identical statusAzerbaijan insists on that "Lachinsky" and "Zangezursky" (through the RA Syuniksky area - an edition) corridors had the identical status10/18/2022Mevlyut ÇavuşoğluThe western Zangezur (Syuniksky area) now under control of Armenia. But as a result of corridor laying, we, certainly, will return the citizens on the earth of ancestors... Such plans areThe western Zangezur (Syuniksky area) now under control of Armenia. But as a result of corridor laying, we, certainly, will return the citizens on the earth of ancestors... Such plans are11/18/2021Ilkham Aliev1235Region News+3 last weekMedia Score: Low77Connections+15 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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