22 for 22%

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As Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation hopes to revitalize economy with tax maneuver
of the Photo: Yushko Oksana / information agency "Reuters"
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, at last, chose by span the scheme of change of load of the enterprises for the VAT and insurance premiums. Total combination — 22 for 22% on both payments in the budget. On a plan Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, it will facilitate life to the enterprises and will promote an economy exit from a shadow. However the social block of the government and experts against

the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov within the performance on a Week of the Russian business RSPP for the first time called div concrete parameters of one of the main offers of department on taxes which assumes decrease in the size of insurance premiums and increase in a rate of the VAT. In his opinion, both payments have to make 22%. "We find it possible to lower a cumulative rate of insurance premiums and to transfer tax load of indirect taxes. By our calculations it was neutral for the budget, rates have to make about 22%. The rate of insurance premiums of 22% is compensated by a 22 percent rate on a value added tax" — the minister told.

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation suggests to keep privileges on VAT payment for separate branches — agriculture, medicine, education, financial sector. "The only thing, for whom it (VAT growth. — RBC ) can give to em additional loading — these are those branches which work today in gray which show less revenues which taxes" do not pay — Anton Siluanov summarized.

business Support

Operating insurance premiums — heavy loading for the enterprises, in Russian Federation it one of the highest in the world, the Minister of Finance explained to p idea to lower a rate of insurance premiums, acting on a week of RSPP, the correspondent of RBC reported. Rate growth on insurance premiums leads to increase in shadow sector in economy, and it is necessary to move in "opposite direction" — to lower a rate of insurance premiums at simultaneous increase of a rate of the VAT, the minister offers.

Now the rate of the VAT makes 18%. The size of insurance premiums is at the level of 30%: the employer transfers 22% from a salary of the worker in the Pension fund, 5,1% — in FOMS and 2,9% in the Social Insurance Fund. In a case with contributions to RPF and the Social Insurance Fund works regression: if the salary of the worker exceeds the established sizes, since the beginning of year of a rate of assignments decrease. Anton Siluanov on Monday declared that supports a flat scale of assignment of contributions. "Here it is possible and it is necessary to speak about introduction of uniform payment which will be split according to codes in the state budgetary funds. It will be one payment order, administration simplification for business, reporting simplification" — explained chapter Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, having added that the new offered approach will be favorable and to exporters.

the Social unit against

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation will discuss all difficult moments of the offered scheme with the social block of the government, the minister promised. However, decrease in a rate of insurance premiums was opposed by the head of Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin. "It will lead to that will be more and more transfers in the Pension fund. We went some other way, at us in governmental documents is written about other that we reduce a transfer, we leave from dependence on the federal budget" — he declared (the quote on information agency "Interfaks"). Maxim Topilin noted that fall of a rate of insurance premiums to 22% will demand annually about 2 trillion rub. transfer from the federal budget in the budget of RPF.

the Question of how to balance the budget at such decrease in rates, were set at a forum and chapter of RSPP by Aleksandr Shokhin. In reply chapter Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation agreed that over balancing and control of pension system it is necessary to work together with the social block of the government. "The budget will cover that difference which remains, at the expense of the expenses in the form of grants of RPF to provide necessary indexations which are provided today within the current legislation" — Anton Siluanov declared. Also it explained that the system will be balanced due to change of a procedure of payments of insurance premiums — introductions of a flat scale of contributions and disposal of a so-called tail (salaries more certain size are assessed with contributions on a rate of 15,1%).

Anton Siluanov

Photo : Shatilo Wladyslaw / RBC

However, risk of growth of transfers from the budget not the only counterargument of a social unit of the government. Do not believe there and in positive effect on an economy exit from a shadow. Maxim Topilin noted that in Russian Federation load of a wages fund regarding contributions to off-budget funds below, than in many developed countries, and expressed opinion that decrease in a rate will not help a whitewash of business which does not pay in funds of anything. "We in any year — in the 2005th or in the 2006th — reduced a rate with 28 to 20% in the Pension fund. And too said that the share of legal sector will grow. We now consider — it did not decrease, and on the contrary, grew. After all those who "in a shadow", they in general pay nothing, to them that 22% that 30% — without difference" — were told by Maxim Topilin.

the Inflationary VAT

By calculations Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the increase in the VAT will bring to single "to a contribution to inflation" at the level of 2%. But interrogated RBC experts is not so optimistical. The rise in prices will keep at higher level about half a year, the head of the laboratory of research of problems of inflation and economic growth believes Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" (Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki") Bessonov Vladimir. Thus Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) sets as the purpose achievement of inflation in 4% and its deduction at this level. However because of VAT growth the regulator can not reach desirable, Bessonov Vladimir warns.

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation suggested to raise the VAT

Risk of surge in inflation not the only danger interfaced to increase in the VAT. From the macroeconomic point of view of significant jump of inflation can not be, however growth of the VAT will entail "essential decrease in a standard of living", the area manager "Fiscal Policy" of Economic expert group Suslina Alexandra specifies. Products and drugs will rise in price, and all this loading will lay down on ordinary citizens, she notes.

the Question not rhetorical

Officially offered Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation the scheme — one of the options discussed by the financial and economic authorities. As earlier reported RBC , the ratio "21/21" was considered also. Except total 22/22 version of daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" also reported and about options "20/22", "21/22"

the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov confirmed that different options are discussed. "It can be differently, depends on how discussion" will end — Igor Shuvalov on a question of the journalist of RBC explained.

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation chose by p the scheme "22/22" because of the volume of the dropping-out income, considers Suslina Alexandra. By its calculations, at application of such maneuver the budget will receive less 150–180 billion rubles. At the scheme "21/21", counted Suslina Alexandra, the budget would lose more than 500 billion rubles.

Other reserves

Change of the size of insurance premiums and VAT rates tax innovations will not end with p.

Anton Siluanov also emphasized that Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation sees essential potential for increase in the income of the budget in improvement of administration of taxes. "We will demand more rigidly payment of taxes on those enterprises which yet are not conscientious taxpayers more. Well and, respectively, it will be pledge of that we will not increase tax loading" — the minister to

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation intends to develop and introduce further systems of marking and tracking of goods. By words Anton Siluanov, led introduction of marking of fur products to a whitewash of this market by 5–7 times, that is the legal turn so increased and tax base grew. Now Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation sets a task to unify all systems of tracking and to increase number of identified goods. In particular, Anton Siluanov told, the authorities discuss tobacco inclusion in the Unified State Automated Information System.

the Offer to strengthen control of a turn of tobacco products was heard at the Russian investment forum at the end of February. Then the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak told that in Russian Federation twice more cigarettes are on sale, than are made. At a meeting of the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev with heads of regions sounded the offer to increase norm of transfer of the income from excises on tobacco in regional budgets, thus local authorities will be interested in a whitewash of this market. By words Dmitry Kozak, this offer not final also demand discussion. "It is necessary to understand who from it will win who will lose as it will affect the federal budget" — he spoke.

On a plan Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, at introduction of the new scheme level of tax loading even will a little decrease. By words Anton Siluanov, in 2019 it will make 31,6% of gross domestic product, and level of tax withdrawals in oil and gas sector will be reduced by 1 items by 2025. "About this figure also it is necessary to form our further plans both in the field of budget revenues, and in the field of expenses" — the minister told. In December Anton Siluanov told that level of tax loading at the price of oil of $40 for barrel (such price is put in the three-year budget) makes 32%.

What else tax changes Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

offers p — to Extend an investment privilege on a profit tax (works in special zones and territories of advancing development) all over the country for stimulation of investment activity. In an exchange it is offered to cancel operating privileges and withdrawals on a profit tax.

— Completely to cancel oil and oil products during 2022-2025 and gradually to transfer load of the internal taxation.

— to Improve the taxation of oil branch due to gradual transition from a tax on mining (NDPI) to a tax on the added income (NDD). It will allow to leave from system of individual privileges

— to Optimize the legislation on a deofshorization, because of that that many make the decision to refuse the Russian residence, without wishing to declare the property.

— to Enter privileges according to the personal income tax for the purpose of stimulation of citizens to investment into the pension capital, and also tax preferences to the companies participating in joint financing of accumulative systems.

with the participation of Makarov Oleg and Feynberg Anton

Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Anton Siluanov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Aleksandr Shokhin
Last position: President (RSPP)
Dmitry Kozak
Last position: Deputy head (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Main activity:Public administration
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
Main activity:Insurance
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