+1PoliticianOfficialAleksandr Shokhin Last position: President (RSPP)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreCertainly, nobody will refuse to lonely mother employment for the reason that she is lonely mother, but there will be other reasonsCertainly, nobody will refuse to lonely mother employment for the reason that she is lonely mother, but there will be other reasons12/8/2023RosbaltWe interrogated the companies and we see that 30% of respondents declared that they are ready to occupy these niches and there are at them opportunities, but the truth only 7% already used this opportunity and occupied those niches which were released12/13/2023Seldon.NewsIn February there will be RSPP congress. We wait for the president. It will be one more evidence of constructive dialogue of the president with business. We count that the new package of May decrees will reflect expectations of businessIn February there will be RSPP congress. We wait for the president. It will be one more evidence of constructive dialogue of the president with business. We count that the new package of May decrees will reflect expectations of business12/9/2023information portal "Argumenty i fakty"Certainly, nobody will refuse to lonely mother employment for the reason that she is lonely mother, but there will be other reasonsCertainly, nobody will refuse to lonely mother employment for the reason that she is lonely mother, but there will be other reasons12/8/2023RosbaltWe interrogated the companies and we see that 30% of respondents declared that they are ready to occupy these niches and there are at them opportunities, but the truth only 7% already used this opportunity and occupied those niches which were released12/13/2023Seldon.NewsIn February there will be RSPP congress. We wait for the president. It will be one more evidence of constructive dialogue of the president with business. We count that the new package of May decrees will reflect expectations of businessIn February there will be RSPP congress. We wait for the president. It will be one more evidence of constructive dialogue of the president with business. We count that the new package of May decrees will reflect expectations of business12/9/2023information portal "Argumenty i fakty"Certainly, nobody will refuse to lonely mother employment for the reason that she is lonely mother, but there will be other reasonsCertainly, nobody will refuse to lonely mother employment for the reason that she is lonely mother, but there will be other reasons12/8/2023Rosbalt123110Related events+15 last weekPresidentRSPP0Media ScorePresidentRSPP72years oldBornDecember 25, 1951SavinskoyeRelationship status: He is married416Connections+132 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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