Portugal: jump from PIGS in COOL

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As there lives the former Cinderella EU

Until recently Portugal was considered as the Cinderella EU without prospects to become once the princess. The country was included in the four of the states which is witty called in the beginning by journalists, and then and politicians of PIGS (pigs — English) on the first letters in English writing of names of the participating countries of Portugal , Ireland , Greece , Spain . Each of members of group journalists kosterili in a tail and in a mane for a mad budget deficit, unimaginably high unemployment rate and terrible bank chaos on which overcoming they from EU asked money, big money and anything, except huge money. To the state on the western suburb of the Iberian Peninsula got on nuts on all three points almost more, than the rest. Unless thoughtless Greece squandered the financial reserves more strongly, than Portugal.

Then everything abated a little — Europe was fond of division of quotas into reception of refugees, the solution of their problems in the territory of the most safe countries of EU. About three members of PIGS (except same Greece) almost forgot. And when remembered, unexpectedly found in EU the new — the updated, self-assured state which not without the bases right there ranked as the category fashionable and even the abrupt. PIGS somehow by itself disappeared from an eurolexicon. To it succeeded cool ! (cool! — English) said, however, to only one of representatives ex-"swinish" group.

of 78 billions for the health amendment

"In May, 2011 "Three" (International Monetary Fund, Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) EU, the European commission) took reins of government Portugal in the hands. And, at own risk, injected into the Portuguese economy of 78 billion euro for the amendment of health of a financial system of the country. Who would tell then that Portuguese will survive long 36 months in an abstention mode from desire to give in to a temptation "to saw" this credit — that person would make a fun — the correspondent of the Spanish electronic ElConfidencial edition Khayro Marcos shares memories with readers. — Mistrust was not simply full — the sheer. And how differently? In the republic corruption magnificently blossomed, interests of different clans clashed among themselves in economic wars. Even the first signs of economic recovery when growth rates of the Portuguese economy began to advance Central European, inspired nobody on an applause to Portuguese. Nobody trusted in "an economic miracle Portugal". Crisis here came to remain, experts spoke. Also it was impossible to find those who would like to disprove this diagnosis".

Since then a lot of things changed. Unemployment fell from 17% to 11%. And, though it is still higher than that level that was during the pre-crisis period (8%), hardly there will be someone who will not count present result as success.

"Wrong" left

2016 began p in the country with political uncertainty. 2015 which has won October elections. but not received absolute majority in parliament the right-centrist block lost the government of the country appointed by it in two weeks after names of ministers were declared. Oppositional fractions (Socialist party, the _levy block" and Communist Party) managed to find a common ground and to agree about joint actions — the government flied so quickly that, apparently, established a record of speed of loss of the power which to any euroallied country will not manage to be beaten. The speech of the then president of the country Kavaku Silva Anibal, the government of Pedro Passos Coelho accepting resignation, sounded pokhoronno rather, than gave optimism: "In 40 years of democracy in our country any of the governments did not depend on support by its anti-European forces, that is those forces which would call for cancellation of the Lisbon contract (about education EU — a bus comment) the fiscal agreement and to an exit Portugal from the eurozone". All these shortcomings were attributed the opposition which has turned into ruling coalition.

the Prime minister, both all euroallied experts and politicians shuddered waiting for refusal of the government of the mode of the rigid economy which has allowed Portugal to designate recovery from the crisis (nobody forgot about election pledges of socialists), and returns to habitual model of life on a formula "borrow and spend". something obscure happened by

But. No, that the Portuguese left did not hasten to keep the election pledges, it just was not surprising — you show party who at least percent on 70 them executes. "Surprisingly another — actions of the Portuguese socialists, communists and left went counter with policy of populists in other countries EU. The Portuguese government did not refuse a mode of rigid economy. Asceticism here still dominates in economy" — with the hidden delight Khayro Marcos notes, starting to suspect that populists — it is not always offensively bad, it simply does not keep within norms modern ruling in EU elite.

Left managed not to do much harm, and at least it it is necessary to put them down to credit. In the states located on the Iberian Peninsula, and France is strong a popular belief that swing of a political pendulum (a tic - so, right-left) — no other than simple alternation of the periods of accumulation of riches by the state (this problem is solved usually by conservatives) with the expenditure periods (sometimes excessive) everything that is sewed by back-breaking toil. On the last socialists specialize.

To Portugal to socialists managed to use, at least, at the beginning

fruits of three-year policy of the asceticism pursued by predecessors, and thus not to spend the sewed. Combination for left unusual, but, it is necessary to tell, quite fitting in in the philosophical law of transition of quantity in quality. New quality of life.

the Goal and boom

B 2016 somewhere from the middle of summer to Portugal the most often repeated word unexpectedly (for detached onlookers) became the term "boom". The boom began to be felt in everything: in sports, culture, policy, economy …

Portuguese reckon boom since July 10. Since the 109th minute of a final of the championship Europe on soccer when known to only narrow circle of fans of soccer the forward Eder, the guy without loud titles, the million fees and a habit rastopyrivat fingers, drove to French the ball which has brought Portugal a rank of champions of the continent. In the same way unexpectedly, as Eder made a jump from uncertainty to glory, all Portugal suddenly found out that it already not so ugly duckling. And not participant of group of "pigs". Football progress was followed by medals of continental championship in track and field athletics, 2016 Summer Olympics.

the culture and science reached For sports. Portuguese remembered that they have the bases and full authority to be proud of the achievements and in other spheres: in the press names of the neurobiologist Antonio Damasio, film actresses Rua Danjela (well, it a little the American, but Portuguese from it anywhere did not get to), the chef José Avileche, the sculptor Zhoana Vaskonselos even more often began to flash. And in the traditional annual list of the most quoted of the scientific world, made Clarivate Analytics, already six representatives Portugal unexpectedly was found.

Foreign tourism which never was a weak place of the Portuguese economy, imperceptibly, but rather sharply rose by new level, monthly improving historical records of attendance of the country foreigners. Carrying to Portugal money, naturally. Only in September of this year, the National institute of statistics testifies, foreign guests left here 350 million euros (for comparison: annual gross domestic product Portugal 236 billions).

B EU, but with independence in policy

the Sphere of policy did not stand aside — the freshest confirmation of thought that Portuguese it is necessary to refer to category of political heavyweights — appointment Antoniu Koshta Gutterish the Secretary general of United Nations. And the European commission not so long ago the Portuguese — Zhoze Manuel Duran Barrozu too directed.

generally, at Europe (in any case — and at the world too! ) already the impression that "Portugal published article where called four "pillars" on which the today's role Portugal arose and keeps on a site of the World economic forum:

"The country is held in the international respect as the authoritative opponent of fascism; the system of internal management allows to avoid emergence of the conflicts in the country; the diplomatic position Portugal is usually neutral and therefore does not generate at leaders of other states of jealousy and feeling that someone wants to bypass, put them under the heel; and at last, the colonial past of the country gives the chance to look widely at the world".

Positivity of the characteristic of the "support" called last, frankly speaking, the quite doubtful. In the "the colonial past" Portugal kept under a territory whip in the different ends of the world, on different continents (Brazil, Makao, Mozambique, Angola, etc . ) but Tavares Rodrigue suggests to consider it as a factor, "to provided politicians of the country understanding of foreign mentality and the tolerant relation to the most not similar views on world around and the processes which are occurring in it".

Can be said

much that EU it was created in order that the states, in it entering, pursued uniform policy (though external, though economic though financial), but Portugal is one of fundamental factors of present lifting just independent foreign policy. Globally Portuguese diplomacy works hand in hand with the euroallied. And plus to it adds own, besides based first of all on political dialogue with the former colonies which are intuitively gravitating to the former mother country. The dialogue developing in economic interests of the participating countries, but with some share of overweight of "elder brother", naturally.

we Will add p to it rather low, in comparison with leaders and middling persons of EU, the taxation. Let's add serious care of programs in education and preparation of the qualified labor. Let's add accent transfer in electricity generation for work with renewable sources, the benefit by quantity of sunny days in a year at Portugal will be in EU is put today, developed today. Some details — a fruit of the long-term programs, which results on combination of circumstances began to be shown through 15 — 20, and even 30 years after start. One of such "bricks" — the politician of decriminalization of drugs. Heroin on streets of the Portuguese cities by 90th years of last century was in the nature of things. The police tried (in any case, on papers) to rake up all — both distributors, and consumers in one heap and it to set for a lattice.

in these 90th leading structures decided to change in a root the attitude towards those who is pricked and smells, having ceased to consider them as criminals and having transferred to the category of sick people. Which began to treat, having started the special governmental program. Than to some extent unloaded prisons. Narcoconsuming, however, not so that all alike all forgave, and classified for a start, having divided on sporadic using preparations and got used. The first began to punish instead of imprisonment administratively (penalties). — to stack the second in hospitals for passing "return courses to life". For patients — free, that is at the expense of the state. For the state — not expensive, as mainly at the expense of penalties administratively punishable, mentioned above. Such here self-sufficiency and self-financing.

Drug dealers of the status did not change p — they and are considered as criminals with all that it implies from here as pleasures and troubles.

United Nations at the beginning of XXI centuries began to give the Portuguese model of fight against drugs as an example for the world community, regularly giving statistics of decrease in death from overdoses and gradual increase in an indicator of age of the first use of these preparations.

In the distance from refugees

I the last detail of "a small Portuguese miracle", Europe to call the country on the suburb of the Iberian Peninsula "steepness". It is , certainly , refugees . to

Portugal was lucky span with a geographical position. Crowds of the Middle Eastern immigrants driven from familiar spots settle in closest to their historical homeland the euroallied countries — Greece, Italy or most economically blossoming — Germany, Austria. Portugal is reliably protected from newcomers by the Balkan and Central European buffer zone. Not especially bother it and from the South: the African stream (Moroccans, Senegalese, citizens Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic) prefers Spain. Portugal and here is lucky for the geographical reason: the Mediterranean bottle throat of the Strait of Gibraltar is separated from Portugal by rather "thick" layer of the Spanish territory. So excess expenses on reception, contents and arrangement of not really welcome guests Lissabon does not bear and questions of danger of Islamization of the country and loss by it of national cultural traditions and self-identification — too. The program of the centralized distribution of the refugees, EU, is carried out practically by all his members without due eagerness so and here Portugal is secured from a wave of the strangers who have been adjusted generally to consume, lift percent of crime and not to make practically anything. Except for (in some cases) good impression.

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