2010. "The polar truth" - for United Nations

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on November 30 and on December 1 the performance "Polar truth" of Teatra.Doc was shown by strong to the staff of the Russian representation of United Nations.
around the world celebrated on December 1 the World day of fight against AIDS. It is day of strengthening of efforts on fight against epidemic of HIV infection which continues to extend in all countries.
the People living with HIV, test in relation to themselves stigmu and discrimination. Children do not admit to kindergartens, refuse employment, there are difficulties in access to treatment. According to the AGORA human rights organization for 2010 more than 100 addresses on violations of the rights of the people living with HIV are registered. By results of research Independent noncommercial organization "Levada-Centre" about a half of the people living with HIV, were exposed to threats and insults. According to respondents, there is it because people do not know ways of transfer of HIV and are afraid to catch by means of casual contact, and also think that to have HIV shamefully.
Heroes of performance of Moscow of Teatra.Doc "Polar truth" - the people living with HIV. And not abstract people, and from the city Norilsk where the director and the author of the performance Zheno Georg George Zheno and Klavdiev Youri Yury Klavdiyev for three weeks lived in premises of the AIDS city Center and densely communicated with patients to like their problems, feelings and experiences.
is one of the sharpest experiences in my life, - are told by the director of the performance Zheno Georg George Zheno . – In Norilsk subject HIV special. The city isolated, services of workers of commercial sex are very widespread and demanded, condoms are not popular, and people sharply are negative to HIV-infected.
performance in a genre verbaty – a genre of the documentary theater which has been completely constructed on dialogues of real people as a result was born i. of Teatr.Doc specializes on this genre.
the Premiere "Polar truth" took place in Norilsk directly in the AIDS city Center and on it there were heroes of performance. After discussion to performance made amendments and today it is shown as on the Moscow scene of of Teatr.Doc , and during tours over the country. The acute social subject presented on a theatrical scene, draws attention to a problem of the people living with HIV and questions of tolerance.

References on a subject:
of Teatr.Doc - in December
of Teatr.Doc - in November
