"I am a soldier: went and lost". Revelations caught on a dope

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Trainer's decisions, a plateau instead of an award, bad luck with the lot, the burned-down computer – the Beijing emotions of the Russians deprived medaley.
International Olympic Committee deprived of the medals Igr-2008 of three more Russians – the fighter Baroev Hassan and shtangist Akkaev Khadzhimurat and Lapikov Dimitri . After that the number of the Russian athletes deprived of awards after check of doping tests, reached 12 people. "Championship" decided to remember that the athletes caught now in violations spoke then in Beijing.

the Gold plateau

"I touched at Tatyana Lebedeva a silver award, thought, will help me to win at least same. Unfortunately, it did not turn out – only bronze. In the last two years I already have silver from Osaka and bronze from Beijing. Perhaps, next time there will be a gold? I will bring from Beijing any traditional undershirts, toys and a gold plateau. Though something at me will be gold", – Chicherova  Anna , bronze in high jumps.
the Beijing plateau at Chicherova  Anna precisely nobody will take away br. Olympic Games gold Summer Olympic Games 2012 – too, after all rechecks of tests already took place.

Sent to lose – lost

"Want to know, what I think actually? Trainers of the national team were mistaken, having declared me in the weakest group, I was ready to win. I in the sum before Games had 420 kg, and Ilyin won against 406 kg with result. I could not affect the decision of trainers. I – as the soldier. To me speak – I carry out. Me send to weight – I go and I lift. Me sent to lose – I went and lost" — Akkaev Khadzhimurat , bronze in heavy athletics.

>>> Medal calculation. Why the idea of return of awards is a circus

the Unpleasant lot

"So it developed that Lopez won, and it is fair result. But about what it is possible to speak if into action goes a lot? I will not say that it was worthy victories more, but today the lot both times preferred in orchestra seats as it.
I Will bring from Beijing any traditional undershirts, toys and a gold plateau. Though I will have gold something.
If in the second period the judge pulled out from a sack not a blue sphere, and red, I almost for certain would defend orchestra seats, fight would pass already into the third period. And there – who knows how everything developed … Generally, existing rules at all do not seem to me objective", – Baroev Hassan , silver in Greco-Roman wrestling.

About gold of Athens-2004 Baroev Hassan can precisely not worry, nobody will take away a title of the Olympic champion from it.

the Powder keg

"I sat as on a powder keg – it seems and I am in the lead, and I improve result in each attempt, but also it is impossible to relax. I do not want to bid up to itself, but could throw further if before the last attempt slightly more time was to come round … In recent days before the Olympic Games literally all from hands fell – the computer burned down, phone broke, the bulb fused, trousers tore … What I will touch — everything flies in different directions! Here already managed to lose a room key in the Olympic village. Only after the final about everything to the trainer told" — Abakumova Maria , silver in javelin throw. >>> McLaren does to br by br the report. Whether the real hell waits Russian Federation?

Unknown weight

"Was adjusted to fight for a gold medal after the results shown in the championship Russian Federation. But after two failures on breakthrough to make it it was unreal. The bar was not such heavy. Rather a speech should be kept about purely technical blots. The trainer explained that me constantly pulled forward, on socks.
in recent days before the Olympic Games literally all from hands fell – the computer burned down, phone broke, the bulb fused, trousers tore …
And before a push told the trainer that put any weight, but the medal was! How many kilograms on a bar in the last attempt, did not know. For now waited for approaches of rivals, so worried, words not to describe" — Lapikov Dimitri , bronze in heavy athletics.

Blow to sweets

"After weight loss I am able to afford sweets! Even in the morning before start it was necessary to drive 600 excess grams in a bath. But as acted, right there noted silver pies and ice cream. Alcoholic I do not afford anything, even to drink traditional champagne in the Russian house refused. In general, of course, it is madly pleasant that we in Beijing have such place where dear, Russian people" are always glad to see you — Shainova Marina , silver in heavy athletics.

>>> Sleep peacefully. International Olympic Committee could not take away a medal from the victim bortsa

Mechtali about bronze, received silver

"On the last stage I had no tactics as took a stick then ran very much. Certainly, wanted to reach the first up to the end, but Richards Alexandra is at present stronger. I have to themselves no questions, I did everything possible. We even before start agreed to watch a stick especially and from hands not to release at all. Dreamed to be hooked for bronze, and silver turned out even. I will not say
that it was worthy victories more, but today the lot both times preferred in orchestra seats as Lopez.
So there are no reasons to be upset" — Kapachinskaya Anastasiya , silver in relay 4 x 400 m

the Olympic emotions

"Me seems to br, all these Olympic emotions will come over the years, now I still do not realize everything that to us happened. Will reach, maybe, only years through five, at the following Olympic Games. I while managed to stay only three days of the house, in Khimki. Mother, thank God, calmed down, does not cry any more, slowly recovers. I for myself do not notice any changes and, it seems, and close people treat me still. But there were many new acquaintances on the Internet – people whom I at all do not know, write, congratulate on a victory. Very pleasantly" — Chermoshanskaya Julia , gold in relay 4 x 100 m

Chermoshanskaya Julia after the sensational victorious finish went on a drug test while Gushchina Julia, Polyakova Eugenie and Fedoriva Alexander distributed interview.
Source: "Championship"