11 amusing trainer's ban

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Gvardiol's decided not to lag behind Mourinho who forbade in the MU of Pokemons. After Internet shutdown on the basis of "citizens" the Spaniard wants to eradicate color football boots. "Sokker.Ra" finds other original ban of football coaches.

the Ban – part of ritual of control in different spheres of human activity. Though sometimes a ban does not strengthen the power, and on the contrary. For example, there was to United States of America the religious sect which founder wanted to be allocated and forbade it to members to drink water in any manifestation. But it is clear why the man did not earn millions, having based "religion". Participants of sect quickly understood that "guru" simply went crazy.

of of Dyupr and earphones

Recently the mentor of "Toulouse" Pascal Dupra forbade the football players to listen to music on the road from the club bus on stadium, after and before trainings. Dyupr's This amusing restriction explained adequately : "I too love music, but I want that my players shared emotions. The child who has come to game with the father, wants to get the autograph, and it is the good moment to respond. The father can be proud of himself that kept the promise to the son and took the autograph from the football player, for the child it is the dream which has become a reality, and the player will understand that is really interesting to people. In total in a prize" . Logically! Recently Huang Mata broke through security guards and fans of the MU and it was photographed with the child in a wheelchair – and all because from a distance heard an appeal, did not slip in earphones by fans!

of Wenger and sleeves

to Arsen as the Frenchman not the dictator, it is difficult to forbid. It is simpler to buy the football player who does not drink, does not smoke – as the Muslim Ozil, than to fight against habits of players. For example, in due time Wenger was up in arms against chocolate bars which football players brought on trainings. Began fashionable in collective to chew a chocolate, here Arsen and forbade them. But it amused players, scoffed at the trainer, chanting in the bus: "Return our "Mars"! But even more difficult it appeared to eradicate Flamini's one habit. In "Arsenal" length of sleeves on t-shirts was chosen by tradition by the captain, at all were identical. But Mathieu played all life with short, cut off the long. Damage of property enraged the person responsible for equipment, and economical Wenger shouted at the midfielder . But Flamini was not frightened – bossed scissors further!

of Domenech and the zodiac

Not all original ban is observed by football players. When Ferguson strictly ordered to young Nani not to do a somersault after the hammered balls, Luish broke a ban in few weeks. When Lennon Neal suggested players to take off caps on trainings on the ground that in matches will be without headdress – it quietly sent and ears did not freeze. But it is more difficult not to listen if the trainer forbids zodiac signs! Recently scientists published the report in which explain on NASA portal that the provision of constellations changes over time. And it means, as signs zodiakov "were displaced" in a calendar. But Domenech, though got involved in an unpleasant incident of the French soccer as "astrologer", it yet did not know, but terribly was afraid of all who was born "Scorpion" . Forbade in team of representatives of a sign – Pires did not go to the World Cup as was born on October 29.

of Rednapp and scales


, training "Vest Ham", perfectly knew feature of Lennon Neal Raddok's "Razors". The well-known defender with growth of 188 centimeters very much likes to eat. Or rather, to devour – differently you will not tell. Pushed into itself all food which only saw, very easily gained weight. One of main "tough guys" of the British soccer passed from structure of "hammerers" into "Cristal Pelas", but Frank Lampard's uncle on a path thought up for it a ban – suggested "eagles" to state point on weight in the new contract. If Lennon Neal will step over hundred kilograms – the penalty pays. High threshold for soccer, but Raddok eight times broke a ban for few months! Yes, about it "Razor" you will not tell strong "like hell you will get", as about the hero of the movie "Snatch" Boris "Razor". In Lennon Neal it was easy to get. And if to it got something edible, Raddok only was glad.

of Di Kanio Paolo and mayonnaise

All decent clubs and the national teams work as p with the checked cooks and nutritionists that on a plate to Bale, Ronaldo or Messi incidentally forbidden food or harmful to the athlete, according to doctors, sauce did not get. But Di Kanio Paolo, being the mentor of "Sunderland", decided in general everything to forbid – "Coca-Cola", mayonnaise, ketchup. Also emphasized that does not recommend to players to drink some coffee that did not fly from coils in the field in day of a match. Di Kanio Paolo obviously on itself judged, coffee not turns all into maniacs. Also the Italian strictly treated mobile phones – promised to throw out in the sea if sees on training or even will notice that someone hides a tube in a bag. But it is a popular ban – chatter by phone angers many trainers, here and Vrba in a locker room of "Anzhi" forbade to include the mobile.

of Passarella and hairdresses


could expel because of colored hair from the national team Argentina when it was headed by the legendary defender, the world champion Passarella. The trainer "albiseleste" on ChM-98 hated football players with the long or painted hair. And if for Batistuta made an exception – allowed the forward to truncate simply hair, Redondo and Kanidzha took off from structure. Daniel called long hair at men "suspicious", and those who painted them, could and call not so. Kanidzhu at whom the wife and three children, the trainer took a dislike for a habit to kiss the friend Maradona. "In my team blue will not be" , - the well-known cry from the heart of Passarella which was aware not that to image of other men psychiatrists consider excessive attention as a sign of the hidden thoughts on a subject. Presently any trainer will not risk to forbid hairdresses, after all the whole cult of image thanks to Pogba, Neymar and the company is created. The surroundings draws attention, so brings to clubs and sponsors money.

of of Montell and release time

the Present mentor of "Milan" when trained "Fiorentina", appeared the main fighter with jewelry and bandages for hair. Also it can applaud for fight against the driven trousers and the gone shorts – football players on trainings were afraid that hips were not white against suntanned anklebones. It enraged Montella. It is possible to understand, not all in the world delighted with children's fashion on the driven trousers, obviously not always successfully and stylishly looks. But Vincenzo went further – he decided that football players to him as children. I ordered to lay down in eight evenings even on days off . Eight evenings! Even at the Champions League did not allow to look. Strongly we doubt that all listened to it, after all it was impossible as Soviet trainers, to check "curfew" observance on windows in a hostel of players.

of Koulmen Chris and sex

Brazilian Ronaldo told that occupations by love before matches helped it to hammer many balls. Cassano was the same opinion – collected for inspiration a collection from several hundred girls. But the ban on sex in soccer teams meets from time to time. Especially in the national teams and on large tournaments when there are a lot of matches for a short period. The trainer of the national team of Mexico on ChM-2014 forbade wards beef and sex. To meat took a dislike as in a low-quality product there could be forbidden preparations, and close communication – that were more live in the field. Mexicans as remember, played not bad, especially Ochao. Here and Koulmen Chris forbade for European Football Championship 2016 to football players of the national team Wales to communicate with wives and girlfriends . The trainer allocated only one day after an exit from group for "visit native". The amusing ban, as you can see, worse did not make. And Slutsky to see, forbade nothing and largely was mistaken …

of of Basile and the Pope


to this trainer's ban adds historical continuation. Acting Pope now is the fan of the Argentina club "San Lorenzo" Jorge Bergoglio. Pope Francis when was the priest, was accustomed to come to a locker room before house matches of a favorite team and were talked to football players. But the mentor Alfio Basile familiar to Maradona who in the late nineties trained "San Lorenzo", categorically acted against the Catholic priest "bullshitted" players, after all results of the sermon did not influence. to Future Father and his colleagues forbade to come into a locker room , but the faithful fan of club Francis remained still. Act Spoke in a deep voice it is allocated as to forbid the priest in religious Argentina where to the middle the Catholic could become the ninetieth president only, not everyone would manage!

of of Gvardiol and Wi-Fi

To what cruel this Catalan Hosep. Not incidentally the other day Luchesku shared impressions about Mourinho and Gvardiole – called the Spaniard haughtier. On the other hand, whether can be differently, considering Hosep's success? He openly declared that now to "Parish of Manchester City" - number one. To Hart managed to transfer it personally, then in the field started shifts, Yaya Toure punished for words of his agent, and continued even more rigidly – disconnected to football players the Internet on base. And if it is serious, it is very good ban. After all Gvardiol's simply wants to rally team that among themselves communicated . As at a meeting with friends in cafe or restaurant – it is necessary to force to set aside aside mobile devices that did not distract. And here Gvardiole's color football boots hardly will allow to forbid – sponsors "Parish of Manchester City" and players will file a lawsuit against it. Ferguson, there was a business, forbade color football boots in the second team, but not in the first.

of of Mourinho and Pokemons


Recently. The Portuguese not only shows that not bad understands psychology, but also many calls "sons". To gray-haired Mourinho it is already a lot of years. And though it did not lag behind in the technical plan but as soon as Marcial, Pogba and Shows started catching Pokemons this summer – forbade hunting. Any animes heroes where José directs the project at the cost of billion euros. Mourinho is certainly right. When football players are absorbed by game – they cannot normally train. Besides, not the fact that such killing of time in general is useful, all is simple at the modern person necessary for life near at hand and there is time which can be spent, chasing Pokemons. But not in Mourinho's team! Perhaps himself plays José and simply wants that to it got all to Pikachu on base?