Justice in Egyptian: 5 teenagers will stay for 500 demonstrators

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According to messages of the state mass media Egypt, yesterday the state court found guilty five teenagers of participation in unauthorized meeting, and also in creation of hindrances for motor transport movement. Each of them is sentenced to five years of imprisonment. Besides, all of them are obliged to pay a penalty of hundred thousand Egyptian pounds (11 thousand dollars). However, according to the judge, the decision was passed in absentia, and five teenagers by which 18 years were not executed yet, will be able to appeal against it.

In April, 2016 the accused took part in demonstration which was directed against the decision on transfer of the Egyptian islands the Tyrant and Sanafir in the Red Sea Saudi Arabia. In Cairo about 500 demonstrators only with use of tear gas were succeeded to disperse polices. In Giza were arrested 23 participants of the protests demanding resignation of the president Egypt Abdel of as-Sisi Fattakh.

Dispute between Egypt and Saudi Arabia concerning desert islands the Tyrant and Sanafir began p in the 50th years of the XX century when Riyadh temporarily transferred this territory to Egypt. On these islands the Egyptian military base which was seized by the Israeli armies during Six-day war in 1967 was created. The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt was concluded only in 1979, and in three years the Tyrant and Sanafir returned to the Egyptian authorities. Now on the island the Tyrant is located base of observers of United Nations which three employees watch implementation of the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. Besides, islands enjoy popularity at divers who come to look at coral reeves.

the Contract on transfer of disputable islands Sanafir and the Tyrant who are in the Red Sea, was signed at the beginning of April, 2016 when the king Saudi Arabia Salman a bin Aziz Abdul visited Egypt. In the communique then it was noted that such step "will allow both parties to benefit by an exclusive economic zone". Besides, then the agreement on bridge construction through the Red Sea which will connect Sharm el-Sheikh, the island the Tyrant and Races Hamid (the North Saudi Arabia) was signed. However the contract on transfer of islands caused the extremely negative reaction in Egyptians who in five days organized the first meeting in Cairo.

the President Egypt Abdul-Fattakh Said Hussein Khalil as-Sisi in some days after signing of the agreement tried to constrain p a storm of indignation of the Egyptian citizens. On performance in the presidential palace before ministers and parliamentarians which took place on April 13, 2016, Abdul-Fattakh Said Hussein Khalil as-Sisi declared that Egypt will not concede a uniform grain of sand of the territory to Riyadh or to someone else. The president repeated the official point of view: islands always were Saudi, and Egypt only looked after them. At the end of action one of the present beginnings to ask a question of the contract, however Abdul-Fattakh Said Hussein Khalil as-Sisi interrupted it, having declared that "did not grant permission to anybody to speak". Right after this incident the live broadcast of performance on television was immediately complete.

Group of lawyers among whom – the ex-candidate for president Ali Khaled, challenged the contract on transfer of islands in court. In their opinion, similar refusal of property belonging to the Egyptian people and resources contradicts the country constitution. As a result of June 21, 2016 Egyptian court recognized invalid transfer of two islands in the Red Sea under jurisdiction Saudi Arabia. The government, in turn, declared that appeals against the judgment.

Next day after validity cancellation the Cairo court acquitted 22 persons who were accused of participation in unauthorized meeting and in creation of hindrances for motor transport movement, that is, of the same crimes for which five minors received for five years of imprisonment and a penalty of 11 thousand dollars. Why for identical actions of one justified, and others put in prison, in the statement of court and in messages of the state mass media it is not reported.

Since April, 2016 in connection with protests arrested more than 200 people and more than 150 got prison penals or penalties.

Халед Али
Last position: Lawyer
Abdul-Fattakh Said Hussein Khalil as-Sisi
Last position: President of the Arab Republic of Egypt (President of Arab Republic Egypt)
Aziz Abdul