Falklands – any more a hindrance for friendship

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Isolated and sparsely populated Falkland, or as them designate in Argentina, Falkland Islands — are the British overseas territory in southwest part of the Atlantic Ocean. They are a dispute subject between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Argentina.

of group of islands two countries try to solve a question of territorial accessory of this nearly 150 years. Interest in Falkland Islands can be explained them with strategic situation – they settle down between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean on a way to Antarctic. The highest point of escalation of this conflict is the Falkland war of 1982 when Argentina tried to return to id=758499 control over islands , but suffered defeat from British in the summer of the same year. But even after that the authorities Argentina did not cease to challenge territorial accessory of islands, in relation communication between the countries always remained intense.

the Present Minister of Foreign Affairs Argentina Susana Malcorra holding this position since December of the 2015th year, declared desire to change a situation. From the moment of taking office it started changing foreign policy Argentina, returning to the country friendship with United States of America and the European states. Malkorra emphasized that claims Argentina to Falkland Islands are fixed in the constitution of its native land, nevertheless, the minister wants to put an end to an era of confrontation of two states.

"The previous administration was rather hostile concerning a situation with islands, but we oppose it. We recognize that the solution will require time and our requirements concerning Falkland Islands will not change. But thus we will try to support good-neighbourhood with England — Malkorra to the British newspaper "The Guardian" . – In long-term prospect the solution for the matter can be found, but before we have to remember respect to each other. It will help to open new ways on confidence-building between us".

the Ex-president Argentina Kirshner Nestor forbade p in 2003 to charter flights from Chile to fly to Falkland Islands through the Argentina air space. Also in Argentina there is the law regulating investigation and oil production on islands. The companies which are engaged in oil fields without the permission Province of Buenos Aires, lose the license for work in Argentina for a period of 5 till 30 years.

oil Detection on islands in the 2010th year fueled also so difficult tension between England and Argentina. Then to year London declared the beginning of development of oil fields on a shelf of Falkland Islands. According to British, oil stocks there can reach 60 billions barrels. In 2015 British found the first oil on islands, however Argentinians consider it as the .

Raising the questions of flights and oil fields, Susana Malcorra noted that creation of joint ventures on work with oil is "rather reasonable step to begin its discussion" as coproductions on oil refining can help to avoid questions of the one who after all possesses this natural resource in the future. Also Argentina is ready to lift limits on air flights from if some flights go directly from Province of Buenos Aires.

Susana Malcorra is also one of leading candidates for a post of the secretary general of United Nations. In case of a victory she becomes the first woman on this post. Malkorra also expressed confidence that United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will not begin to consider her nationality as the reason to prevent to achieve a desirable position. Susanna's main rival is the former prime minister Portugal Antoniu Guterresh, Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Argentina his candidate does not suit chapter.

"Looking at candidate female, I will be surprised if United Nations decides that any of them does not deserve appointment. The wheel of the organization of 70 years had men" — the Argentinean noted.

Raising the questions of flights and oil fields, Susana Malcorra noted that creation of joint ventures on work with oil is "rather reasonable step to begin its discussion" as coproductions on oil refining can help to avoid questions of the one who after all possesses this natural resource in the future. Also Argentina is ready to lift limits on air flights through the territory.