Yekimov Vyacheslav: "Katyusha" in a season-2017 will receive the new sponsor

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Photo: Khrushchev Victor

the Russian Katyusha bicycle team will keep the place in an elite division of World round, the general manager of "stable" Yekimov Vyacheslav reported. Thus in a line-up remains only five Russian racers and formally since a new season it will have the Swiss license. Ekimov told p to

Yekimov Vyacheslav recognized that the team reduces the Russian part to five racers: "I would like to apologize to some extent before the Russian admirers of cycling and to tell that we really strenuously looked for sponsors to Russian Federation, in business, at the level of the state, but nobody is ready, except Igor Makarov (the head of the Areti company and the president of Federation of cycling Russian Federation, an editor's note) to invest in team".

Yekimov Vyacheslav does not exclude p that the situation will change over time:" It is possible after will pass time enough after Sochi-2014 when the FIFA World Cup will end, and it happens". Nevertheless, "Katyusha" will have a new sponsor which announcement it will be declared later.

In "Katyusha" for a season-2017 remain Zakarin Ilnur, Kuznetsov Vyacheslav, Mamykin Matvey, Belkov Maxime and Kochetkov Pawel". Kuznetsov Vyacheslav at us is included into group on northern "classics" — quotes Yekimov Vyacheslav Information company "RIA Novosti" . – Mamykin Matvey — it in the future as we think, good "miner", the guy with a good potential. Kochetkov Pawel at us the fighter, all this saw, for example, at the Olympic Games".

the General manager emphasized that "Katyusha" finished the transfer period." The general tendency at us start of "Tour de France" came to structure rejuvenation, plus to us and in support of group on "classics" Martin Toni with a sight including on house for it. Certainly, we want that from Zakarin Ilnur the leader, a generalshchik from Joachim Rodriguez's category or even in the future Frum Chris" turned out.

Should reminding

that in this season in World round there were two Russian teams, but "stable" of Tinkoff stops the existence. After change at "Katyusha" of formal nationality of teams from Russian Federation in an elite division will not be.