The Portuguese Guterrish Antoniu remained a leader in fight for a post of the secretary general of United Nations

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of After the third round of vote in UN Security Council on candidates for a post of the secretary general of the world organization the leader remained the former prime minister Portugal Guterrish Antoniu.

On the second place the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia Laychak Miroslaw finished chapter Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Slovakia bypassed the ex-president Slovenia Danilo Turk who held the second place during the previous rounds. This time Danilo Turk supported 5 members of council of Safety, at 6 members against and one neutral, transfers Information company "RIA Novosti" with reference to Information company "Agence France-Presse".

On the third place – representing Bulgaria the general director of UNESCO Bokova Irina and chapter Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Argentina Susana Malcorra. Bokova Irina keep the third position since the beginning of process of elections. During a present round it received 7 votes in support, 5 against and 3 neutral. Malkorra also received 7 votes in support, however 7 members of SB acted against and one – is neutral.

At present for a rank of the head of the world organization 10 candidates combat.

The post of the secretary general of United Nations which since 2007 is held by the South Korean Ban Ki-moon, becomes vacant on January 1.

Let's remind, Ban Ki-moon declared that personally he would like to see the receiver the woman.

At the same time the constant representative at United Nations Churkin Vitaly declared that for Russian Federation is a priority appointment as the following secretary general of United Nations the representative .

Today 11 people, including former heads of the states and the governments, and also acting and former heads the Ministry of Foreign Affairs apply for appointment as the administrative head of the organization.