25 years of an exit Estonia from the USSR – a holiday of independence and an etnokratiya victory

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Release from one union – the USSR (Russian Federation), turned back not freedom in the new – EU led by Washington and life of ethnic minorities under "yoke" of Estonian independence Estonia Estonia

Celebration of anniversary of restoration of independence Estonia noted a with an unknown propaganda pomp. That is especially clear as it is a question of the young state. Before its establishment in 1918 the people were some centuries under oppression of foreigners — Danes, Swedes and Germans, plus two hundred years as a part of the Russian Empire and fifty — under "the Soviet occupation" as Tallinn it is legally illiterate, but consciously treats life Estonian the Soviet Socialist Republic as a part of the USSR.

If up to World War II by the main historical enemy the German barons who were direct oppressors of Estonian peasants and as a part of the Russian Empire, after World War II — already only Russians were considered as strong as p. Overdue formation of the young nation could not be smooth, it is accompanied to this day by xenophobia and Nazi an onalizm, unfortunately, even in the form of the state russophobia. And the last is actively cultivated by local political elite from direct approval of the West.

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On the one hand, for this purpose are an objective basis — tsivilizatsionno Estonia was formed substantially under the influence of the West European culture (on the coats of arms Finland and boundary with Russian Federation Narva are represented from above — a direct sword, below — a curve saber that testifies to natural border between the East and the West on the Euroasian continent). On the other hand russophobia became the powerful tool of the power for a manipulation Estonians, their suppressions (owing to social and economic problems) under the pretext of threat (naturally, today — mythical) from outside Russian Federation. The title nation is reconciled with russophobia already only because the population making a third Russian (more than 25%) and Russian-speaking inhabitants (more than 5%) are exposed. The legalized ethnic discrimination allows Estonians to live better at the expense of local Russians and Russian-speaking. And purely narrow-minded it can be understood (be on their place Russians, kartinaskory all would be similar).

in the middle of the 2000th years the Committee of United Nations on racism noted that " the non Estonian population is sawn-off on suburbs of social and economic and political life ". The situation essentially did not change, its began to mask beautiful words or to imitate weakening of interethnic tension. Partly the last even works well. And thanks to police measures of suppression, including among Estonians, dissent. And thanks to active cultivation of the Russian collaborators to whom provide carte blanche on a public vernopoddanichestvo and russophobia.

Business came so far that as reports online edition "PRONEDRA.RU", even the Central board of NATO in Kertis Michael Skaparotti declared on what the Russian politicians drew Estonia that citizens of the Russian origin did not feel deprived, were included in the management of the country …". And let it "the valuable instruction", does not assume a solution in essence, and only creation of visibility of the Russian and Russian-speaking representation in the power, this signal speaks about, how far came into Estonia with ethnic discrimination.

she is condemned constantly by Russian Federation, and EU and United Nations recommend to soften from year to year a problem to which the international human rights organizations constantly pay attention. And here to that fresh confirmation of the edition of Estonian political daily newspaper"Postimees": " the Territorial segregation to Estonia accrues. National groups to Estonia, knowing Estonian and Russian languages as native, prefer to be from each other far away. It is noted by article of scientists of Tartusky university published in the Demographic Research edition. The important problem lifted in mass media sometimes does not receive a due public response though in this sphere we should be more attentive to avoid serious consequences ".

But Estonia and in a mustache does not blow, referring to the historical past. These (a delay in state and nation formation) can quite explain ideology and practice of a monoetnizm, even to understand and in something and to justify such discrepancy to the western values. And it, alas, allows to recognize Estonia as the weak state, and therefore to treat it with a condescension shred.

of the Teenager in a man's toga

All so, if not one "but". Estonia was included into EU, having assumed obligations to be in practice the democratic country and the constitutional state. At last, nearly a quarter of the century is ignored by Estonia the Vienna declaration of the World conference of United Nations on human rights. As reported YuSIA in news * to ERF202 from 29/6/93, the representative of the American delegation Shettak John emphasized: " a poor development of the country cannot be considered as a justification of human rights violations " at all.

But also this council for all years of the restored independence was not heard by p. In these festive for Estonia days the former prime minister Ansip Andrus, received for defilement of ashes of the Soviet soldiers freeing Tallinn in 1944 from the German occupation and a monument devoted to them "The bronze soldier" West encouragement (promotion for work in European Commission), cynically declared (the quote of a portal of Estonian political daily newspaper"Postimees"): " If to reflect that occurred then in Ukraine where the scheme of events was very similar to that occurred to Estonia round the Bronze soldier some years prior to dismantle, I think that that price which should be paid Estonian society for the solution of this problem, was rather low ".

This cynical statement — lie: no interethnic intensity in zero years to Estonia existed, simply two main communities lived separately (one — focused on the West, others — on the East), but also those, and others — under Estonian laws. Actually the desire to eradicate in non Estonians spiritual braces with the homeland of the ancestors — Russian Federation also became the cleaning reason "the Russian field", etching from memory of non Estonians and many Estonians, Soviet (the Russian period). And for this purpose resorted to Gestapo measures of suppression of the national discontent, brought to deep interethnic split of society. By the way, according to information which have filtered into mass media for some reason secret analysis of Estonian Security police about risks of transfer of a monument urged the authorities to be with this careful. More shortly, concealment of the truth allows to speculate today on a subject "Bronze nights" — mass riots which Ansip Andrus arose just because of provocation of the government.

of Subjects is more shocking that the europarliamentarian from Estonia Urmas Paet dared to call " the state provocation " Moscow let out recently in Russian Federation a coin of 5 rubles with the image of the Bronze soldier. Actually behind this demarche the discontent of Estonian political elite with looks that it peculiar reminded of unattractiveness them to own provocation against Russian and the Russian-speaking population and Russian Federation. The ultranationalist parliamentary Estonian conservative people's party called coin release " a sneer at sufferings of Estonian people ". It is possible to agree with sufferings, but and here release from a Hitlerism?

Childishness of the state thinking to Estonia Estonia found also funny in the run-up to the 25 anniversary from the date of restoration of independence the appeal to office President of the Russian Federation heads of public and legal radio television corporation Estonia ERR — they asked President of the Russian Federation to congratulate AYR on this small anniversary? ? ?

of "Russian Federation"

clearly that on holidays speak, first of all, about progress. Here and in days of celebrations Estonian mass media filled up society with a set of the figures characterizing forward development of the country forward. For example, gross domestic product per capita (in dollars of United States of America) since 1991 grew as of last year five times! It is a lot of and other positive tsifiri which cannot speak about growth for any considerable period. But smaller or bigger growth could be and at preservation of "the Soviet occupation" — progress inevitably touches any countries.

I here that depresses p: it is suppressed that with independence restoration social stratification of the population, especially taking into account national minorities catastrophically grew. Moreover, GDP growth per capita could not but grow and therefore that more than hundred thousand inhabitants for the same years left in job searches abroad, and the population was reduced by 270 thousand people (and it with a million number of Estonians).

One of the most widespread explanations of own misses and shortcomings — Russian Federation. Just the prime minister Ryyvas vulgarly explained slow (4 times less than the forecast) growth of Estonian economy in the second quarter with actions Russian Federation. But why only this quarter and which the neighbor of action, the head of the government did not mention. For a dense forest of persuasiveness refer and to professional Russian opposition russophobs. And it is not important that they talk nonsense, after all according to Goebbels it has to work. Here and Site"Deutsche Welle" the daughter Boris Nemtsov Zhanna made laugh even Estonians, having declared in interview to the local Estonian political daily newspaper"Postimees": " your president — absolutely unique person … Estonia the prospering state in every sense, including — in economic ".

it is valid, against all federal republics of the former USSR, including Russian Federation, many important indicators of development for quarter of the century at Estonia — the best. But what their back, success price? Here the opinion of the most outstanding stated in the Pealinn newspaper to Estonia policy, the true statesman, the head of opposition Centrist party Edgar Savisaar: "I consider Ya that Estonia — the country dependent. Except for that we feed other countries with labor … obviously moves towards crackdown. Recently among people survey was conducted: as far as still, in their opinion, EU will suffice . The majority considered that at most for ten years ".

Today to Estonia already nobody arises (not to pass for "a hand of Moscow") on the fact that finance Estonia appeared in hands of the Swedes, all retail trade — Finns, the rest — other countries of the West. All keep mum on the fact that on a pointer because of the ocean Estonia artificially put a spoke in the wheel the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline favorable to her, and now — "Of the joint venture 2". And such examples of actions of in damage, if only to kick Russian Federation, alas, there is a lot of.

of Self-deception or hypocrisy?

All this unpleasant picture are eclipsed by the state promotion playing upon aggravated national heartstrings of Estonian people which are realized in total russophobia. The known Estonian journalist Indrek Treufeldt in festive transfer of Estonian television of public and legal corporation ERR pathosly declared that historically Estonia appeared on a joint of two civilizations, and the people made a choice for the West. But right there was false, having explained this choice: " In Soviet period forced to think, approve and condemn us equally ". Fathers! And today in EU and NATO differently? Interestingly, today to Russian Federation it by and large just is not present, but russophobia to Estonia all the same only kindle.

That is self-deception or hypocrisy? Both that, and another. Because full submission Tallinn (at preservation of national flag, the anthem and the coat of arms) to Brussels, but especially to Washington and to London, the servile relation of Estonian elite to their instructions already is not derided today at all — to it reconciled. Estonia, in fact, became the dominion of United States of America. It came true though in 2008 the known scientist and the leader of public opinion, professor Rein Eynasto warned in interview to Estonian political daily newspaper"Postimees" that " the chosen Estonia the course on Americanization of management will lead us to accident ".


I it are confirmed by the same nationalist (in understanding — the patriot of the country), but not the russophob, Edgar Savisaar (for what it is hated fiercely by ruling Estonian elite and their sponsors): " we became Today a toy in world politics. When everything began, that is at the time of the Popular front, to us listened and in Moscow , and in Washington; also listened sometimes more, than any great power". He explained to em one more important reason of comparative wellbeing Estonia (though the same Estonian pension many times less Finnish). It is militarization. And though Estonia, unlike the majority of more successful it the countries of NATO, dashingly allocates from the state budget 2% for military expenses and even more, but already under other its "peace" articles, such eagerness to fight and opposition by request Washington with Russian Federation pays off a hundredfold due to the help of the West. And again the leader Estonian "Singing revolution": " Ya never assumed that we will become the front country. I counted on the friendly world. After all we have beautiful neighbors: Finns, Latvians, Russians ".

It — too a result of 25 years of the restored independence. And how not to remember the Estonian communist Kingisepp Victor, drowned after execution for the sharp tongue in the Baltic Sea. One of its articles of almost centenary prescription was called "Under an independence yoke". Other classic, the leader of the world proletariat wrote slightly earlier that each people have the right for self-determination, but this right or should be able to use, or to do it not obligatory.

A for the people, the simple Estonians, all estonozemelets for whom finding of the state — is the holiday, it is possible to be glad only. As happens that a holiday to a holiday — rozn.

< "14"> Tallinn , on August 22, 2016

regnum author Klensky Dimitry