2016 Summer Olympics: table of medals

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Photo: rosbalt.ru Photo: website "News agency Rosbalt"

Sports editions Information company "ITAR-TASS" and Sport-Express , as well as during winter Games to Sochi, combined efforts that readers were aware the most interesting and actual information from Olympic Rio de Janeiro. Let's not pass any interesting moment! At the Olympic Games - together!

2016 Summer Olympics: the table of medals


the Russian Vorobyeva Natalia, conceded in the final 2016 Summer Olympics the Japanese Dosa Sarah, in tears refused communication with journalists after defeat. Let's remind that the Russian won till last seconds of a duel.


I here it – the final in long jumps at women. Here the Russian Klishina Darya participates. World record – 7,40 (1988). The best result of a season – 7,31. Favourites of competitions: American Britney Reese and Serbian Ivana Shpanovich.



the Star of the national team of United States of America on Carmelo Antony's basketball after a victory over Argentina (105:78) in a semi-final Igr-2016 :" Came play-off and now all seriously. I will not tell that during a group stage we played the fool, but now we are focused on a victory even more strongly. We arrived behind gold to Brazil and without it we will not come back home". (Kartashov Andrey, Information company "ITAR-TASS")

Information from the correspondent of Information company "ITAR-TASS" from a place of events


Vaytsekhovskaya Helena – about defeats in the finals of Russians Vorobyeva Natalia and Koblova Valeria who missed the Olympic gold last seconds.

Vorobyeva Natalia and Koblova Valeria: medals because of which cry

© EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKYInformatsiya with the correspondent of SE from a place of events


A now the main event of day – track and field athletics competitions. Let's wish good luck to the only Russian in this sport – to Klishina Darya. It will be overcome today for gold in long jumps.

© Sharifulin Valery / TACC


the Double Olympic champion in pole vaults Isinbaeva Helena supported the Russian Vorobyeva Natalia , conceded in the final 2016 Summer Olympics the Japanese Dosa Sarah. Let's remind, Isinbaeva Helena arrived to Rio to take part in elections in the commission of athletes International Olympic Committee.

– Vorobyeva Natalia won today silver, – emphasized Isinbaeva Helena on air of TB Match TV channel. – It won silver of the Olympic Games, it is very difficult! She made today the feat, all four years after London she plowed, all of us saw it. It – simply very worthy girl! I consider, it for Vorobyeva Natalia a victory! © Krasilnikov Stanislas / TACC


In half an hour will begin p evening session in track and field athletics. Today three sets of medals, and all at women will be awarded. Competitions in long jumps are interesting to the Russian fans – after all Klishina Darya there acts.

Time (Moscow time) Paul Distsiplina Round

of 2:30 M Spear Kval.


2:45 Zh 100 with barriers 1/2

3:15 Zh Length F

of 3:20 M the Decathlon of 400 m

of 4:00 M 200 m 1/2

4:30 Zh 200 of m F


4:55 Zh 100 with barriers F



Vorobyeva Natalia on an awards ceremony. Offensive silver 2016 Summer Olympics .



the Silver prize-winner 2016 Summer Olympics Koblova Valeria emphasized that was adjusted on a victory over Japanese Kaori Icho in the category final to 58 kg. Let's note that Icho became the first in the history of the quadruple Olympic champion (all medals are taken at the different Games).

– Me here in general could not be because I passed through a heavy trauma and restoration, – quotes Information company "ITAR-TASS" Koblova Valeria. – I was adjusted on a victory at the Olympic Games; and it is not simple words, I felt that I am able to do it. Concentration loss also distinguishes gold from silver, I could not hold it. In fight of 3-5 seconds can turn a course of all fight, and together with it – and lives.

© AP Photo/Markus SchreiberInformatsiya from the correspondent of Information company "ITAR-TASS" from a place of events


Vorobyeva Natalia - the SILVER PRIZE-WINNER of GAMES . To 69 kg our sportswoman could not win against Dosa Sarah Dosa Sarah - 2:2. Due to the last productive action the Russian also lost.


On basketball of United States of America – Argentina the notice! Poor Argentinians. Americans literally "break off" them (on a course of the second quarter advantage "Tim" passed Trim for 20 points), so also Brazilians whom the majority on tribunes, violently support United States of America! (Kartashov Andrey, Information company "ITAR-TASS") © Kartashov Andrey, Information company "ITAR-TASS"


fight for medals in weight category to 69 kg Began p. Names of bronze prize-winners Games are known is a kazakhstanka Syzdykova Elmira (on a photo) and the Swede Dzheni Anna Franssen. And ahead we have the main fight of evening in which the Russian Vorobyeva Natalia will resist to Dosa Sarah to Dosho.



the Russian boxer Nikitin Vladimir is removed by alt with 2016 Summer Olympics . On August 18 in a semi-final in weight category to 56 kg it had to meet the American Stevenson Shakur. The reason of such decision - a section on the head and other injuries. (Lazorin Igor, Information company "ITAR-TASS")

Information from the correspondent of Information company "ITAR-TASS" from a place of events


By the end of the first quarter the American basketball players concede to Argentinians 3 points. Moreover, until recently lag was "-10". (Raush Vladimir ", SE")



Is always pleasant to see our sportswomen on a podium. Koblova Valeria - Zholobova together with the winner Kaori Ito with two bronze prize-winners - Mavra Amri and Sukhi Albert.


the Double Olympic champion, the successor Aleksandr Karelin, the unshakable and fearless fighter of the Greek-Roman style Vlasov Roman gave exclusive interview to the special correspondent of "SE".

"We fought for tears Isinbaeva Helena". Why Vlasov Roman - new Karelin

© Sharifulin Valery / TACC


In Rio there took place a meeting with mothers of our champions.

Mothers of the Russian Olympians arrived to Rio


Koblova Valeria - Zholobova - the SILVER PRIZE-WINNER of GAMES ! At the very end of Kaori Ito managed to carry out reception, to gain two points and to pull out a victory with the minimum account - 3:2! Thus, the Japanese became the quadruple Olympic champion in fight, a unique indicator for this sport! © AP Photo/Markus Schreiber


the Olympic champion of Athens-2004 and London-2012 Ezekiel Kemboi is deprived by p of the bronze medal 2016 Summer Olympics, won by it today in run on 3000 m with obstacles, reports Information company "ITAR-TASS". The spade of the athlete on others path became the reason. Thus, the award is appropriated to Frenchman Makhidin Mekhissi-Benabbad who showed the fourth time. Information from the correspondent of Information company "ITAR-TASS" from a place of events


bronze prize-winners of Games in weight category to 58 kg Were defined by p p. Tunisian Mavra Amri who has brought to the national team the first award, and turkey Sukhi Albert. We expect final fight in which the Russian Koblova Valeria - Zholobova will meet Japanese Kaori Ito.



the Vice-president of FEDERATSIYA PROFESSIONALNOGO BOKSA Russian Federation, the businessman Ryabinsky Andrey provided to Paralympic committee Russian Federation team of the Russian and Swiss lawyers for protection of interests combined Russian Federation, debarred by the International Paralympic Committee in Summer Paralympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro with reference to McLaren's report.

Ryabinsky Andrey:" Paralympians will be protected by lawyers which the German football players won court with Don King"

© Novoderezhkin Anton / TACC

on August 17 23:52

Nigeria beat the national team and reached the final of the Olympic Games where they should play from the national team Brazil. The meeting came to the end with the score 2:0. Goals on the account Klostermann Lucas and Petersen Nils.


the National team on water polo ceded Hungary in a semi-final of female Olympic tournament with the score 10:14 and now will play with the team Russian Federation for Igr-2016 bronze.



the Russian Petukhova Catherina reached a semi-final of competitions in jumps from a tower with the 11th result. Timoshinina Julia finished fight for medals, having taken the last place in qualification.

© EPA/Marcelo Sayão


the Leader combined Russian Federation Kosheleva Tatyana on the page in one of social networks thanked all native, friends and fans for support. According to the volleyball player, she very much appreciates such relation. Let's remind that in a quarterfinal <= "http://www.sport-express.ru/olympics/rio2016 /" target =" _ blank"> 2016 Summer Olympics Russians lost to a href Serbia (0:3).

"It is now difficult for p to be at loss for words... But the main thing that I want to tell, is thanks my close and native, to friends and fans for your belief and support! For each kind word and the thought sent to us. It is very valuable and expensive that I am surrounded by so many beautiful people. Thanks to all!" – wrote Kosheleva Tatyana in website "Instagram" .


the Russian golfer Verchenova Maria remained is dissatisfied with the performance in the first round 2016 Summer Olympics . After the first round Verchenova Maria take the 48th place.

– Today I was mistaken in sticks, and I was brought by tactics, – gives Information company "ITAR-TASS" words Verchenova Maria. – Made five mistakes in a choice of sticks is much. Plus a wind was against us. I hope, tomorrow it will be easier. As for a field, it suits those who strongly beats. It heavy, in English style.

Ya at all did not expect that golf will return to the Olympic Games program, but to feel that I speak at big tournament, it was possible when already was in the field. There are more than people, fans and there are a lot of chambers. It everything gives feeling of the Olympic tournament, feeling of competitions of other level, than usually.

© AP Photo/Alastair Grant


Erie Tosak's Japanese - Olympic the champion of Rio in weight category to 48 kg! In the final Tosaka due to successful reception last seconds pulled out a victory at the Azerbaijanian Stadnik Maria! Chinese woman Sung Yanan and Elits Yankov's Bulgarian became bronze prize-winners.


the Kazakhstan citizen Yeleusinov Daniyar won Igr-2016 gold in category to 69 kg, having won on Shakhram Giyasov's points from Uzbekistan – 3:0.


fight competitions among women where shortly Koblova Valeria - Zholobova and Vorobyeva Natalia will fight for gold awards Are resumed. As aperitif girls in weight category to 48 kg will act, and here Erie Tosak's one more Japanese in the final resists to the former Ukrainian, and nowadays the Azerbaijanian Stadnik Marie.


the Russian Belyakova Anastasiya forcedly stopped a semifinal duel 2016 Summer Olympics in weight category to 60 kg with Frenchwoman Estelle Mosseli in the first round.

the Sportswoman took away from a hall on a carriage after first aid. She was traumatized an elbow joint. Thus, Belyakova Anastasiya became the bronze prize-winner Igr, as well as Potkonen Mirra from Finland. In Mosseli's final Yin Junhua will meet the Chinese woman.

Belyakova Anastasiya got a heavy trauma on a ring

© AP Photo/Frank Franklin IIInformatsiya from the correspondent of SE from a place of events Information company "ITAR-TASS"