First "gold" 2016 Summer Olympics was won by the 19-year-old American

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the First a set of awards at the Summer 2016 Summer Olympics played women in firing from an air rifle from 10 meters.

were Won by the 19-year-old American Virginia Tresher. The second and third places took Chinese woman Li Du and Yi of Xilin. The Russian Vdovina Darya showed the fifth result in the final.

to Award

to prize-winners in the first type of the OI-2016 program 2016 Summer Olympics were handed over the president by International Olympic Committee Thomas Bakh and the president of the International federation of shooting sports Olegario Vázquez Rahn.

Read news and articles about the Summer Olympic Games in the special section online edition "Svobodnaya pressa".

Thomas Bach
Last position: President (International Olympic Committee)
Вирджиния Трэшер
Last position: The professional athlete on bullet firing
Vdovina Darya