There will be to you Olympic Games!

@Svobodnaja pressa
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Salute over stadium Salute over Maracanã stadium during the opening ceremony of 2016 Summer Olympics (the Photo: Sharifulin Valery / TASS) the Present Olympic Games for the first time take place

in South America. Thus, the only continent where they yet were not, there is Africa. But if Brazil made the decision on application for the Olympic Games today, for certain it would be negative. The country is in the sharpest political and economic crisis. It is enough to tell that the president Dilma Vana Rusef on "Maracanã" did not appear, having preferred to watch an opening ceremony TV broadcast in the residence, and shortly before the beginning of celebrations the police tear gas dispersed an action of opponents of the Olympic Games in park before stadium.

to Organizers should be saved

literally on everything. Naturally, and at the opening ceremony too. It managed in 20 million dollars that only which Moscow part, on information mass media is cheaper even than already legendary wedding of the son of our oligarch Mikhail Gutseriyev, , managed in 20 million euros. The ceremony was the main subject ecology. All 207 teams-participants put on a tree sapling in special capsules. The bowl for Olympic flame is made small specially to reduce emissions in the atmosphere.

the National team Russian Federation during parade of athletes at the opening ceremony of 2016 Summer Olympics at Maracanã stadium (the Photo: AP/TACC)

Parade of athletes traditionally were opened by Greeks, as descendants of founders of the Olympic Movement. Then to a path there were teams. Stars of world sports — tennis players Raphael Nadal Parera and Andrew Marrey, the swimmer Phelps Michael, the athlete of Shelli-Fraser Anne - the Price were standard-bearers. The Russian flag was flown by the Olympic champion London, the participant of six Olympic Games the volleyball player Tetyukhin Sergei. it is interesting to strong that there is a tradition at the time of pass of the national teams on stadium to show known fans whom heads of the states, as a rule, are. And so, Italians the prime minister of Rentsi, welcomed Americans - the Secretary of State of Kerry, Lithuanians - the president Gribuskayte , and Russians — the businessman Mikhail Kusnirovich , supplying our team clothes.

Screenwriters of opening of the Olympic Games deserved p firm "two" that on literally cult "Maracanã" for the football world football players were not presented in any way. Pelé's legendary after a hip operation cannot lead an active life, the only quadruple world champion in soccer Mario Zagallo is chained to a wheelchair, and heroes of the recent past like Ronaldo's , probably, decided not to disturb. Before a ceremony it was reported that fire will be lit by the tennis player Kuerten Gustavo , however it only brought a torch on stadium. Honor to light a bowl dropped out very few people to the known marathoner Vanderley Kordeyr of di to Lima.

In general, Olympic Games opening as though emphasized not only internal Brazilian crises, but also crisis of all Olympic Movement. That it has not the best times, obviously at least because the Russian swimmer Julia Yefimova waited for the admission on competitions till the last o'clock, living separately from athletes and removing the pool for trainings because it had no admission to the Olympic village. As a result thanks to the decision of Sports arbitration on groundlessness of repeated disqualification of athletes who already left it for the dope use, to competitions it got the admission. But this decision was made only on Thursday evening and, for example, the Russian cyclist Zakarin Ilnur simply did not manage to arrive physically to Brazil to start of road cycling.

during the opening ceremony of 2016 Summer Olympics at Maracanã stadium (the Photo: Krasilnikov Stanislas / Rio de Janeiro the president of International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach
repeatedly told TACC)

B to about reform of WADA and to change of anti-doping policy. After all now, say, fighters with a dope declare that the set of positive tests at participants of the Olympic Games in Beijing and London is revealed. Thus surnames practically are not called, and meanwhile the similar situation will lead to revision of results of games and redistribution of medals. And it means that no pure sports are present. There is a practice of delivery of medals under the country anthem, and then their silent withdrawal and transfer to other athletes in offices of sports officials eight years later after games.

Privacy in general became a corporate style of WADA. Nobody saw lists of the athletes allegedly using forbidden preparations, from McLaren's report, but part of the Russian athletes did not go to Brazil exactly for this reason. It is forgotten already that sports exist not for sports officials, and for fans who have the full right to know results of doping tests of athletes.

Because of this system crisis the Olympic Movement starts losing p to commercial leagues on popular sports. NBA, NHL, Euroleague in basketball, World league in volleyball and others already bypass in popularity and success the Olympic Games flooded with those sports which we watch time in four years — firing, rowing, field hockey, modern pentathlon. Thus the same soccer, consider, at the Olympic Games is not present, the only participant of tournament in Brazil, whose name is known to all fans, it is Neymar. And in general traditional rating game types feels on the Olympic tournaments not really well owing to their rapidity, and, so low imposing appearance.

In Brazil sharply there was a problem of low popularity of competitions, that is reluctant purchase of tickets. It is connected, probably, and with economic problems. Tourists too did not meet expectations, having refused a trip whether because of Zeke's virus, whether because of an unsuccessful criminogenic situation in Rio.

the Brazilian tennis player Kuerten Gustavo (in the center) during the opening ceremony of 2016 Summer Olympics at Maracanã stadium (the Photo: Krasilnikov Stanislas / TACC)

as a result turns out that the Olympic Movement does not bring in necessary incomes therefore exists at the expense of sponsor's means and other receipts distributed by sports officials at discretion. Thus, sports bureaucrats became the main heroes of the Olympic news. Therefore after fight against a dope it is necessary to reform the quite many. Already now, for example, the quantity of the sports presented at the games extends. In Rio debut rugby-7 and golf, and at the following Olympic Games to Tokyo the time of karate, surfing, rock-climbing and a skateboarding will come.

As for the Russian prospects to Rio de Janeiro, of course, we because of disqualifications of some medals will miss. However, in the same track and field athletics chances on gold were only at Helena Isinbaeva and Shubenkov Sergei, probably, one-two medals waited for us in weightlifting. However the main types for us still have rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming, in all the rest it is necessary to maintain the competition increasing with everyone Olympic Games. That the medal of those fighters, boxers, shooters, bicycle racers and the more so will be more valuable than swimmers who literally with blood beat out the Olympic licenses.

during the opening ceremony of 2016 Summer Olympics at Maracanã stadium (the Photo: Krasilnikov Stanislas / TACC)

our athletes should Act without valuable manuals of the minister of sports Vitaly Mutko, deprived of the Olympic accreditation. Perhaps, the only thing from not allowed to Brazil Russians it is not so a pity for him.

of All in Rio will award 306 sets of medals by representatives of 207 teams, including for the first time participating athletes from Kosovo and Republic of South Sudan, and also Thomas Bach teams of refugees into which athletes from Syrie, DR Congo-Brazzaville, the same Republic of South Sudan and other unsuccessful countries enter.

to the Most young participant of the Olympic Games to the Nepalese swimmer Gaurike Sinkh only 13 years, and the most age cavalry of Juli Braugkhem from New Zealand 62 years. But I am struck by history of other age participant, namely the gymnast Chusovitina Oksana . The 41-year-old sportswoman plays for Uzbekistan, games of 1992 in Barcelona became her first Olympic Games where it took gold, supporting the national team Commonwealth of Independent States.

So to be ill to fans of sports is for whom. The main thing that they watched competitions, instead of leaks from offices of sports bureaucrats.