Antivirus of Casper. As Shmeykhel's son tries to surpass the father

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to Casper Shmeykhel 29. His all life compared to the father. And only now, when "Leicester" is close to a title, just about it will change. 10 reasons why "Leicester" is so abrupt

at the beginning of December Casper Shmeykhel , the permanent goalkeeper of fantastic "Leicester", provided a feast with pizza in a locker room – already the third in a season. The Dane made "cracker", its team surely won against "Swansea" 3:0 … However Shmeykhel had a mood on zero. Or somewhere near this mark.

A day before a match "Leicester" arrived to Wales, became populated in Marriott hotel, with golf courses and a magnificent view on the gulf. Some fans of "Swansea", having found out where there live participants of the main sensation of a nuclear submarine, decided to visit players of "Leicester". To communicate, collect autographs. One of such fans asked Casper Shmeykhel to sign the book. Casper – the person friendly, polite – put the autograph. Then the fan decided to play a trick on Shmeykhel. The goalkeeper retold then this dialogue to journalists, word for word.
Fan: – You are a good fellow. However, you will be never so good, as the father.
Shmeykhel: – Thanks, the friend.
B.'s : – Yes it is fine, I only am kidding.
Sh.'s : – Well as, laughed? It is happy? Here and nicely. I can go?
B.'s : – You not so everything understood b.
Sh.'s : – So explain, what you meant?
B.'s : – I simply joked.
Sh.'s : – the Friend, you do not think, what I heard it earlier? Here such jokes, like yours, I listen the last 15 years. Well, you laughed, the good fellow. So I can go?
B.'s : – Abrupt seyvov in other days. Your father too would drag such balls that you now drag.
Sh.'s : – it is brilliant. Be healthy, buddy.

For a minute, Casper Shmeykhel is 29 years old. It in goalkeeper blossoming of forces. It comes to the highest level in the career. He is the strongest goalkeeper of the national team of Denmark. It conducts to success "Leicester" – all speak about Marez, Vardi, someone remembers Cantet, but unless in an ending of a season of "fox" could play so surely without such goalkeeper? He is a loving husband and the father of two children. He is the created personality. Independent, very mature. The journalists shining a nuclear submarine from Albion, assure: such mature, clever player as Shmeykhel, still it is necessary to look.

And this guy – taken place, successful – pecked comparisons with the father . With Peter Schmejchel – the legendary goalkeeper who has won both the Champions League, and Euro from the national team of Denmark (that is comparable with a champion's title of "Leicester").
Video. Seyv Shmeykhelya ("Lester City")
match Online translation "Lester City" — "Liverpool"
Career of Casper is an attempt to leave Peter's shadow. And when Shmeykhel Jr. ask about the father in interview, it looks down, evades from questions, is silent. Perhaps Casper will start deriding if it begins to rave against fate for everything, what to it happens? Perhaps he is afraid to recognize, what loses to Peter in all respects? Or perhaps Casper all this already got.

the First days in soccer presented to Casper disappointment – on it at once looked as at the son that Shmeykhel. In eight years, walking on a training field, he heard behind whisper: "Yes it here only because of the father! ". That case became a lesson to Casper for the rest of life, since then it strongly limited a circle of the friends, having left only for whom he is Shmeykhel No. 1, instead of No. 2. A bit later, on celebration of the 10 anniversary of gold of the national team of Denmark in Swedish Nyuchyopinge Casper had even to substitute the father for Euro. Peter got a microtrauma, the reserve goalkeeper was not and the coach of the team Shmeykhelya turned to Casper sitting on a bench: "Hey, the guy, you took with himself gloves? ".

Nyuchyoping is the city where life of Casper abruptly changed. Before wandered with the father from the country to the country: to England moved, being the 4-year-old child, to Portugal – in 12, home, to Denmark – in 14. But Shmeykhel Jr., having tried all possible positions, at once even threw soccer. It arrived in sports college, and a ball concerned only in matches of team of faculty. But the trip to Sweden changed Casper – abrupt seyvami it delighted scouts of "Brondbyu". And then only couple of youthful tournaments sufficed to receive the invitation from England. From Manchester City academy. Peter – a legend "Yunayted" – did not want to interfere with career of the son, but the step of the son approved.

Seven years later bosses of "City" will offer it the 4-year contract, will start pulling the wool over the eyes that see it the main goalkeeper for many years (the truth, by then other young guy – Joe Hart ) already played. Casper will refuse and later will tell that it was the best decision in life. First it blissed out from everything that occurs in club, up to usual goalkeeper training: "Tim Flauers
was our trainer of , and in "City" gate David Simen, David James, Andreas Isaksson and Shay Given at different times played . We with Joe Hart admired them, thought that they reached and that we can adopt at them. We were as small children – we could not help, but were under the influence of that was round us". Then Casper ripened. Everything that was necessary for it – opportunity to play every Saturday.

in search of practice it traveled all over all Albion: was in the lowest leagues of England, rode to Scotland and Wales. Exactly there Casper Shmeykhel for the first time understood that such pressure. In the spring 2006th it with "Take" battled for a survival in League 2. Defeat – also "Take" loses the professional status. On a game – money, destinies of people and their families. Any luster, any glamour. Shmeykhel rescued team in couple of episodes, "Take" finished 2:2 and kept a registration. Casper is sure: that was then, the present pressure upon "Leicester" – anything.
the Cities and events as pictures in a kaleidoscope, were replaced one for another: Take, champagne in honor of status preservation, Falkirk, a rank of the main star of a match with "Glasgow Reyndzhers", return to Manchester, "cracker" in derby with the "MU", five passed balls in seven matches for "City» and sudden exile to Cardiff, Chempionship, again Manchester, misfortune on a bench, "Coventry", again Manchester, sitting under Joe Hart … Even <= "/tags/2525/shmejkhel-peter.html" title = "Peter Schmejchel"> Peter Schmejchel did not sustain a href and in interview told that Casper is unhappy in "City". Also wishes to leave though somewhere if only to satisfy game thirst. <"Notts Kaunti" where Casper Sven-Göran Eriksson
called was br/>
Then. To the trainer who has easily trusted in it on start of a season-2007/08 in "City", Shmeykhel went with pleasure. And the contract "soroki" offered fat – 1,4 million euros a year. However, as a result money and their owners, the muddy company Munto Finance, somewhere evaporated. "It was the mad season. Present, on one away match we fly by plane, and on the following we cannot rent the bus at all. These people said that they have a lot of money, but at once all this turned back full deception. Every morning for us began with reading newspapers – only from there it was possible to understand that happens to club. Directly we knew nothing. We simply wanted to play soccer. And as a result won league with comfort". In the spring the 2010th, after a shock season, Shmeykhel asked to terminate the contract. Casper agreed, but asked to send in exchange to him DVD with cutting of the best events of that championship. "Notts Kaunti" sank down to it in soul.

From rags to riches. Where there were players of "Leicester" four years ago

the Following stop – "Leeds". And opposite feelings. Meeting Casper in the city, fans said directly to it: "You never will grow to the end". These jokes and podnachka traveled with Shmeykhel Jr. from club to club, but on "Elland Roud" gained hypertrophied character. No wonder that in Leeds Casper won back only a year. And summer of 2011th it to himself Sven-Göran Eriksson called again. The same history, as in "Notts Kaunti" – the car of ambitions, is a lot of money, only investors it is more reliable and the league is more difficult. What for team? "Leicester".

In Leicester at last understood that present Shmeykhel does not need to be compared to the father. Though Casper even gave an excess occasion – hammered with the head in an ending, as Peter once to "Rotor". Simply Shmeykhel Jr. was reliable in "frame" and did not stick out itself against partners. It became part of that frame on which "Leicester", along with Wes Morgan, Mathew James, Jeffrey Shlupp was built. Thanks to "foxes" it at last played in a nuclear submarine – spring break of "Leicester" would not happen a year ago without Shmeykhel who has rescued for team of some valuable points. And in the current season the scenario for which as if wrote the compatriot Shmeykhelya Andersen, Casper became even stronger. It long could not make "cracker", being the victim of adventurous soccer of Claudio Ranieri . But now, when Ranieri prefers reliability and a sit-round gathering with pizza, Shmeykhel caught spirit. It is important not only charisma and reliability – many attacks of "Leicester" begin the with carrying out of Casper, selections and Vardi's sharp accelerations with Marez. But the main thing – at it is now already 14 matches on zero.

Being stolen "fox". As tactics of "Leicester"

works … Some weeks later after a meeting with the fan in "Marriott", on the bank of Swansea Shmeykhel arrived to Copenhagen – the trainer of "Leicester" Claudio Ranieri gave couple of days off for Christmas and Casper decided suit a sightseeing tour to friends from the football world. They went to the garden "Tivoli", to drive in the amusement park. The pleasure quickly came to an end – fans began to recognize Shmeykhel, then in a garden the press approached.

But that day any person did not release a hairpin to Casper, did not remember how Peter Schmejchel plays . Something prompts that Casper will get rid of a rank soon "the son of that goalkeeper". For this purpose it is necessary for it not so much.

four More shock matches and one won title.
Video. Shmeykhel ("Lester City") rescues gate

Online match translation "Arsenal" — "Lester City" the Source: "Championship"
Casper Peter Shmaykhel
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Lester City")
Klaudio Ranieri
Main activity:Official
Football club "Lester City"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Brondbyu"
Main activity:Culture and sports
FC "Manchester City"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Reyndzhers"
Main activity:Culture and sports