Capital transformation: in what industrial zones there will be most available new buildings
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Now 50% of ZhK in a mass segment are under construction in territories of the former industrial zones. Emergence on a place of not used sites of production purpose of new modern housing estates with extensive infrastructure cardinally changes shape of the capital. In what districts in the next years the projects largest and available at the price the house-keeper will be realized - and comfort class, experts of the Metrium Group company analysed.

As of the beginning of March, 2016, in primary market of mass housing of the capital 40 complexes are presented. A half of them is located on sites of the former industrial zones. One of 20 complexes - IFC "Water" "Brattsevo" in an industrial zone - already got permission to commissioning. Construction of three more complexes – "Warsaw, 141" in an industrial zone "The red builder", IFC "Philly Grad" in an industrial zone "The western port" and ZhK "Michurino-West" in an industrial zone "Ochakovo" – will be finished this year. 9 more ZhK will be put into operation in 2017, and 7 are completely constructed during the period till 2020.

The total area of a residential development of complexes of a mass segment in territories of the former industrial zones presented on sale in primary market now, makes 4,86 mln sq.m. The largest volumes of construction are concentrated in Southeast, Western, Southern and Northwest administrative districts Moscow. On a share of Yugo-Vostochny administrativny 25%, are the share of joint stock company share – 19%, and for shares of Yuzhny administrativny and Severo-Zapadny administrativny okrug - on 15% of volume of the living space built in industrial zones.

Yuzhny administrativny

In Yuzhny administrativny 4 projects of a mass segment in the territory of the former industrial zones are realized. The largest of them is ZhK "River Park" which is under construction on a place of the Moscow ship-repair and shipbuilding plant in an industrial zone "Nagatinsky Zaton". The unique location - on the bank of the Moskva River and within walking distance from Kolomenskoye park - does a complex to one of the best objects under construction comfort class as from the point of view of ecology, and transport availability. On a site of 29 hectares the housing with a total area of 280 thousand sq.m will be constructed, and also the extensive infrastructure is created. It includes school, kindergarten, the education center, policlinic, a parking, shops, cafe and restaurants, offices of banks, beauty shops, children's clubs, and also own embankment 1,5 km long with boat station, vacation spots and only in Moscow DETSKAYA PARUSNAYA SCHOOL.

Yugo-Vostochny administrativny

The area of a residential development of the largest project of renovation in a segment of mass housing in Yugo-Vostochny administrativny – ZhK "Nekrasovka" - will make 395 thousand sq.m. The social infrastructure of this complex of economy class includes 10 kindergartens, seven schools, two policlinics and a sports and improving complex. On the first floors of houses there will be rooms under trade and customer services. "Square" cost in "Nekrasovka" now one of the lowest in Moscow – 89,2 thousand rubles. However the location of object is not absolutely successful from the point of view of ecology. The complex is located on a place of the former Lyubertsy fields of aeration. Besides, in radius of 2 km from ZhK there are Lyubertsy treatment facilities, and incineration plant No. 4.

Zapadny administrativny okrug

In the west of the capital the largest project of renovation of industrial zones in a segment of mass housing is ZhK "Beams", the area of which housing estate makes 400 thousand sq.m. The complex is under construction in Solntsevo District – in the territory which earlier occupied NGO"Vzlet". The social infrastructure of ZhK includes two schools, four kindergartens and the sports and improving center. In spite of the fact that the zone of future complex is limited two high-speed highways - Borovsk and Kiev, and a row located the operating industrial enterprises, Solntsevo is considered one of the most environmentally friendly areas Moscow.

Severny administrativny

In Severny administrativny the capitals on a place of the former PKT two projects of mass housing – ZhK "City" and IFC "Water" are realized. ZhK "City" is under construction on Dmitrovsk the highway - on the industrial zone No. 9-I place which territory was occupied earlier by auto repair shops and warehouse. The area of a residential development of a complex makes 200 thousand sq.m, and the infrastructure includes three kindergartens, playgrounds, vacation spots, and also office and trade rooms. Around ZhK arrangement a large number of the enterprises still works that adversely affects ecology. But this circumstance is compensated by existence in close proximity to a new building of the Apple-tree garden known as "Dmitrovsky park".

Severo-Zapadny administrativny okrug

ZhK "The City on the River Tushino-2018" which is under construction on a place of Tushino airfield, is now the largest project of renovation of industrial zones Moscow in a segment of mass housing. On the site of 160 hectares which is in a natural zone on the bank of the Moskva River, in 10 km on the northwest from the capital center, the autonomous infrastructure of the whole city will be created. The area of a housing estate will make 700 thousand sq.m. The infrastructure includes 6 kindergartens, 3 schools, stadium, ice and water palaces, the tennis center, football fields, hotels, trade and entertaining and business centers, policlinics and shops.

Severo-Vostochny administrativny

In the northeast of the capital construction of two complexes the comfort class located on a place of the former PKT - "A LIFE Botanical garden" and ZhK Green Park is conducted now. The area of a residential development of ZhK Green Park which will occupy the territory of the former industrial zone of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH", makes 500 thousand sq.m. The infrastructure of a complex will include some schools and kindergartens, policlinic, the temple, game and athletic fields, vacation spots, shops and other social objects. The ecological situation of the area is favorable – in close proximity to ZhK there is "A botanical garden", the river Yauza and a park zone.

Vostochny administrativny okrug

Construction of the largest project of renovation in a segment of mass housing in Vostochny administrativny okrug - HOUSING COOPERATIVE "ZOLOTAYA ZVEZDA" - is conducted in the former industrial zone "Sokolinaya Gora". The total area of a residential development of a complex makes 85 thousand sq.m. The infrastructure of a complex will include kindergarten, school, game and athletic fields, and also recreation areas. The ecological situation around an arrangement of object is ambiguous. On the one hand, in it there are some tens industrial productions, with another – within walking distance of ZhK the Izmaylovsky park is located.

"Renovation of industrial zones allows developers unique opportunity to build modern housing, - Shvetsova Larissa, the director general of the JSC River Park company LLC "RIVER PARK" speaks. – Bolshaya Square of sites allows to create "the city in the city" - space with all infrastructure necessary for comfortable life and with the concept verified to trifles. For example, the size of a site on which ZhK "River Park" is located, makes 29 hectares. Thus the housing estate occupies only 30% of this space. In other territory, besides objects of social infrastructure – schools, kindergartens, policlinics, shops - will settle down squares, walking zones and vacation spots".

"Industrial zones are today the main reserve for construction in old borders Moscow, - Litinetskaya Maria, the managing partner digging "Metrium Group" concludes. – Now they occupy about 17% of territories of the capital in MKAD. Scale of sites allows developers to do that is impossible at dot building: to increase distance between houses, and also to give big spaces for parks, boulevards and numerous objects of infrastructure. Thus many complexes under construction are in prestigious areas and have good transport availability as are located near operating and metro stations under construction and large automobile arteries of the capital. These factors are highly appreciated by potential buyers that increases liquidity of projects. Renovation of PKT is supported by the city authorities as it improves an ecological situation in the city and allows to transform the whole areas, doing them modern and comfortable for life. Therefore in the next years the number of the objects located in territories of the former industrial zones, will increase".

ZhK of a mass segment located in the territory of industrial zones

ZhK Min of St-st of sq.m, thousand rubles of Min of St-st of housing, million rubles. Industrial zone Completion date of construction of cases on sale the Total area of a housing estate, thousand sq.m Yuzhny administrativny 1 ZhK "River Park" 150,4 6,19 Industrial zone "Nagatinsky Zaton". Territory of 2 quarter 2017 280 of the Moscow ship-repair and shipbuilding plant 2 Microdistrict "Tsaritsyno-2" "Lenino's" 119 4,96 Industrial zone. 1 quarter 2017 270 the Territory Moscow combine bakeries and Plant of toys "Spark" 3 "Warsaw, 141" 131,7 4,41 Industrial zone "The red builder" 4 quarter 2016 130 4 of Housing cooperative "Yasny" 130 4,95 Territory of the Moscow shoe factory of G. V. Mukhanov of 3 quarter 2018 90 Yugo-Vostochny administrativny 1 ZhK "Nekrasovka" 89,25 3,81 Lyubertsy fields of aeration of 2 quarter. 2017 395 2 Residential district "House" 88,79 3,29 Industrial zone of Maryino of "Lyublino-Pererva". "Mosstroysnab's" territory of 1 quarter 2018 337 "Grayvoronovo's" 3 SREDA 118,56 4,28 Industrial zone. Territory Karacharovsky mechanical factory 4 quarter 2017 296 4 of ZhK "Pyotr 1" 131 3,8 Territory of defensive concern "Almaz-Antey" of 1 quarter 2018 170 Zapadny administrativny okrug 1 ZhK "Beams" 87 3,97 Industrial zone of "Solntsevo". Territories NGO"Vzlet" 4 quarter 2017 400 2 Residential quarter "Meshchersky wood" 88,21 3,43 Territory of House-building combine of "DSK-3" of 4 quarter 2017 345 3 IFC "Philly Grad" 195 5,94 Industrial zone "The western port" 4 quarter 2016 171 4 of ZhK "Michurino-West" 101,97 6,17 Industrial zone "Ochakovo" 1 quarter. 2016 29 Severny administrativny 1 ZhK "City" 101,95 3,66 Industrial zone 9-I. Territory of auto repair shops and warehouse of 2 quarter 2018 200 2 IFC "Brattsevo's" "Water" 178 7,92 Industrial zone. The territory of Plant of the non-standard equipment RVE 192 Severo-Zapadny administrativny okrug 1 ZhK "The City on the River Tushino-2018" 139,19 6,3 Tushino airfield of 2 quarter 2018 715 2 of ZhK "Life-Mitinskaya Ecopark" 141,2 6,29 Territory of the former military unit of 1 quarter 2017 31 Severo-Vostochny administrativny by 1 Green Park 128,59 4,63 the Industrial zone of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" 4 quarter 2017 500 2 of ZhK "Life-Botanichesky garden" 160,7 7,09 Territory of the Moscow mirror combine of 1 quarter Is received. 2018 200 Vostochny administrativny okrug 1 HOUSING COOPERATIVE "ZOLOTAYA ZVEZDA" 125,21 5,09 Industrial zone "Sokolinaya Gora" 4 quarter 2017 85 2 of ZhK "Yauza Park" 156,35 7,56 Territory JSC "Moskozhkombinat" 1 quarter 2017 24

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