Borovsk Kaluga region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunitiesFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunities2/15/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaIt is in the long term planned to build the crosswalk which will pass under Borovskoye Highway and its doubler with an exit to metro station "Govorovoo11/9/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illuminationIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illumination9/11/2023Vyacheslav LezhninFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunitiesFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunities2/15/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaIt is in the long term planned to build the crosswalk which will pass under Borovskoye Highway and its doubler with an exit to metro station "Govorovoo11/9/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illuminationIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illumination9/11/2023Vyacheslav LezhninFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunitiesFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunities2/15/2023Wladyslaw Shapsha12354Region News+4 last weekActing as head since 2019Bodrov Angelica 0Media ScoreActing as head since 2019Bodrov Angelica 671years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 13548:26:54 PMGMT+340RUS+748438Dialing code82Connections+8 last weekPopulation10 337NewsConnections Tree
TechnologyЗапуск ермолинских очистных вновь отложили на неопределенный срокNG Region20 hours agoGeography38 secAccidentsВ Соликамске легковушка на пустой дороге влетела в сугроб и перевернулась: видео нелепого ДТПinformation portal ""Yesterday at 10:41 AMGeography46 secSocial policyБоровский район засиял праздничными огнямиMK.RU Kaluga12/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography36 secOtherВ Боровске восстанавливают комплекс усадьбы второй половины XIX векаNG Region12/30/2024PeopleGeography25 secAccidentsВ Козельске сгорела хозпостройка с машинойMK.RU Kaluga12/29/2024CompaniesGeography17 secHousing and Utility SectorНа Правобережье Калуги не обрабатывают тротуарыMK.RU Kaluga12/28/2024PeopleGeography23 sec
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AccidentsКалужанин «уронил» машину на чужой сарай и сбежал с места аварииNews message12/24/2024CompaniesGeography26 secCentral Federal DistrictБоровский район ждёт масштабная промывка канализацииNICKNAME of TV (Kaluga)12/24/2024CompaniesGeography24 secSocial policy20 декабря 2024 года в Калужской области был открыт девятый Центр общения старшего поколения в г.БоровскUnion of pensioners of Russia12/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography19 secCentral Federal DistrictВ Спас-Деменске библиотеку обязали улучшить пандус для инвалидовMK.RU Kaluga12/23/2024CompaniesGeographyProducts22 secAccidentsЧисло нарушений ПДД сократилось в Калужской областиMK.RU Kaluga12/23/2024Geography31 secAccidentsПолицейские установили личность мастера парковки из БоровскаMK.RU Kaluga12/23/2024CompaniesGeography23 sec