Borovsk Kaluga region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunitiesFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunities2/15/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaIt is in the long term planned to build the crosswalk which will pass under Borovskoye Highway and its doubler with an exit to metro station "Govorovoo11/9/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illuminationIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illumination9/11/2023Vyacheslav LezhninFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunitiesFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunities2/15/2023Wladyslaw ShapshaIt is in the long term planned to build the crosswalk which will pass under Borovskoye Highway and its doubler with an exit to metro station "Govorovoo11/9/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illuminationIn Borovsk during improvement of "the Tekizhensky ravine" to wooden floorings added architectural illumination9/11/2023Vyacheslav LezhninFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunitiesFor me the opinion of people who hotly and are actively involved in business of preservation of objects of a cultural heritage of Borovsk is important. We use for this purpose all opportunities2/15/2023Wladyslaw Shapsha123115Region News+27 last weekActing as head since 2019Bodrov Angelica 0Media ScoreActing as head since 2019Bodrov Angelica 670years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 135412:09:25 AMGMT+340RUS+748438Dialing code176Connections+76 last weekPopulation10 337NewsConnections Tree
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AccidentsВ Калужской области за сутки произошло четыре ДТП и три пожараMK.RU Kaluga11/22/2024CompaniesGeography32 secCentral Federal DistrictВ Боровске закапывают в землю проводаMK.RU Kaluga11/22/2024PeopleGeography19 secHousing and Utility SectorНа следующей неделе Калугаоблводоканал начнет отключать должникам водуNG Region11/22/2024PeopleGeography49 secReligionПравославные христиане отмечают Михайлов день11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.6 minCentral Federal DistrictДмитровчан ждут на выставках, мастер-классах и концертах ко Дню матери11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography7.2 minCentral Federal DistrictПодразделение «Деловых Линий» сменило адрес в Обнинске Калужской областиPartner Russian Railway11/21/2024GeographyProducts41 sec
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today13Mobile robotRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations47Technologies38Places18People9Events9
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