In Zhukovsky showed performance about the Korean concubine
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The beginning director from South Korea Kim Su of Jean showed a solo performance based on the Korean legends "to the Legend on Chkhunkhyan " at Art musical and drama theater of the city of Zhukovsky (EMDT).

The director — the graduate of actor's faculty of GITIS, studies now in postgraduate study in " Direction " in the same educational institution.

On March 19 the first took place and while the only statement of the foreign director in Zhukovsky. Representations will be resumed, but not earlier than May as Kim Su of Jean temporarily returned home, explained the Zhukovsky news agency, referring to words of the actress of theater Elena Gileva.

Let's remind, the work " Legend on Chkhunkhyan " narrates about love relationship of the daughter of the geisha and the son of the high-ranking official. Nevertheless, the news agency reports that the performance, which display will be resumed in May, is intended not only for adults, but also children of 10 years. The news agency explains it to that Korean classical "the Legend on Chkhunkhyan " is entered by in the list of non-material world heritage of UNESCO, the heroine of this poetic legend is considered an ideal of the Korean woman.

GSN reference:

"The legend on Chkhun Hyan" - cult work both Northern, and South Korea. It show not only on a scene also picturize. In the north of Korea screen versions left in 1959, 1980 and 1984. In the south – in 1961, 1987, 2000, 2005. In the last screen version action is postponed today.

Plot of "legends" the following. Li Munryon, the son of the deputy of the city of Namvon, falls in love with Chkhunkhyan-the daughter kisen (geishas), representatives of the lowest estate. Certainly the love wins against class barriers, but here the deputy withdraw to the capital. Munryon goes with him to pass examination and to arrive on public service. The new deputy Pyon Hakto who has arrived to the city forces Chkhunkhyan to become his concubine, and having been refused imprisons her in a dungeon. And meanwhile Munryon safely passed examination and became the royal auditor. It allocated with these powers comes back to the city and restores justice.
