Zhukovsky Moscow region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt there was the person, selflessly serving the aircraft, devoted many years to perpetuation of history of branch which is inseparably linked sgorody ZhukovskyIt there was the person, selflessly serving the aircraft, devoted many years to perpetuation of history of branch which is inseparably linked sgorody Zhukovsky7/6/2023Youri ProkhorovMany thanks that go on my concerts! Today the concert in Ramenskom ended … Honestly I admit, it would be very desirable to visit the city of Zhukovsky. But it will be already next timeMany thanks that go on my c10/29/2023Diana AnkudinovaIt there was the person, selflessly serving the aircraft, devoted many years to perpetuation of history of branch which is inseparably linked sgorody ZhukovskyIt there was the person, selflessly serving the aircraft, devoted many years to perpetuation of history of branch which is inseparably linked sgorody Zhukovsky7/6/2023Youri ProkhorovMany thanks that go on my concerts! Today the concert in Ramenskom ended … Honestly I admit, it would be very desirable to visit the city of Zhukovsky. But it will be already next timeMany thanks that go on my c10/29/2023Diana AnkudinovaIt there was the person, selflessly serving the aircraft, devoted many years to perpetuation of history of branch which is inseparably linked sgorody ZhukovskyIt there was the person, selflessly serving the aircraft, devoted many years to perpetuation of history of branch which is inseparably linked sgorody Zhukovsky7/6/2023Youri Prokhorov1232Region News+3 last weekHead since 2018Youri ProkhorovMedia Score: LowJavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.1Head since 2018Youri Prokhorov78years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19477:44:30 PMGMT+350RUS+749848Dialing code72Connections+7 last weekPopulation107 560NewsConnections Tree×
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