Address to I.A. Karimov and R. R. Inoyatov. If not to you, to whom? – M. Zakhidov

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to Committee of Protection of the Rights of the Personality - to KZPL (NNO of Uzbekistan) in June, 2016 will be 20 years. It is the first registered human rights organization in the republic. We NEVER depended and did not receive from foreign "benefactors" of INJECTION (dollars - grants, the suratikramovsky residence constructed for visit of eminent specialists of color revolutions. For example, become in a consequence the ambassador of the USA in Moscow, mister Makfol! ! ! ) .

Mr. Makfol on a photo (from I.Khushev's site) on the right as the Director of Council Natsbezopasnosti of the USA (the ambassador became later) on a visit at the most eminent and devout human rights activist S. Ikramov together with the Ambassador Mr. Norrland (the second at the left), and the staff of Embassy of the USA in Tashkent. Judging by pleasant smiles of the high-ranking Americans, Surat in a cloak of the Imam Hotiba made an essential contribution to national safety of the USA.
We were not in the field of INFLUENCE (in the form of doubtful "moral" supports from foreign structures of CIA of the USA - Fried House, HRV, Kaunterpartkonsortsium, etc.) . From institutes of state-civil society similarly though regularly contacted to "a public reception" law enforcement agencies. Without such contacts, naturally, difficult to protect rights of citizens. And any "alliances, associations, associations, the coalitions, forums, fraction and abstraction …" we avoided. Not our competence. Our program – protection of the individual rights of citizens.
the Last years we are filled up with complaints from all regions of the country, concerning SOCIALLY – the ECONOMIC SPHERE, RULE OF LAW. These are the main postulates, the republic of the Uzbek model of independent development developed by the president.
In the prepared series of publications, we intend to pay attention of the leadership of Uzbekistan, the world community, the republic population, first of all, it is not simple on corruption in echelons of power. We with all responsibility declare about antistate, purposeful destructive for the country of activity of the persons holding and holding key posts in the state. The defiant form of manifestation of negligence is unacceptable for mentality of uzbekistanets to concrete instructions, orders of the head of state. Step by step similar forms and methods of work put in echelons of leading structures. For example, at level hokimov the question of representation of housing and grants to children - graduates of the orphanages, supported financially from the state (one of 5 – ti the principles - strong social policy), is PERVERTED. Them lodge in unsuitable rooms, deprive of grants from the state, they join ranks of the homeless with all consequences.
Even before mass departure of the Uzbek gasterbayter was made the order about youth employment. This process went by the principle "tyap-mistake". Prosecutor's office department (is more well-known for collecting a compromising evidence on colleagues - militiamen) forcibly obliged businessmen to ENLIST for work "half-dead souls", made the report on sharp increase of employment and … "be healthy". In few weeks from "working" places pouvolnyali, but the report "Useless scrap of paper" remained. And the question came to interstate level. Many gasterbayter enticed in IGIL. The plan of employment of graduates of colleges and lyceums was similarly implemented. (Did not issue diplomas, yet WILL not BUY the reference that are employed (! ? ) ) . So for years there is a PAPER WELLBEING in education, health care, social payments, culture.
the Known order 3077 directed on optimization of farms, to such an extent perverted that large problems of agrosector still wait for the turn. In process hokimiyatsky bureaucrats "filled hands" "to fill the pockets" on resale of farmer lands.
But all this turns pale before antistate and anti-presidential "Uzbekenergo" SAC. These two "ANTI-" will be supported with the documents studied by us. Under the leadership of Ergash Shoismatov (former vice-– a premiere on a power complex (! ! ! ) and nowadays the chairman of the Office of labor unions of power engineering specialists of RU), with his relatives (the son Sayfullo right after the termination of our Polytechnic University, becomes the director of JSC Tashteploelektroproyekt (! ? ) where carried on traditions of the FAMILY - to confuse the state pocket to the own. To its duties belongs:" scientifically – research, proyektno – prospecting works in the field of power, industrial and civil engineering, design of heat supply facilities in TsA republics (! ! ! ) : thermal power plants, combined heat and power plants and regional boiler rooms". Sayfuflo's
scientific research institute of
As this Greenhorn filled the pockets, in the subsequent publications. we Will remind
and of the HIGH-RANKING governmental members of the Supervisory Board SAC. Because of these persons millions inhabitants of the country remained without vital requirements. Let's address to the facts. Consistently.
you, Islam Abdughanievich, raised a question of SUPPRESSION of activity of the companies and the firms registered in offshore zones. In 2000 left … we read: "It agrees ч.3.п.4. Resolutions of the Cabinet of RU No. 245 from 29.06.2000г." About measures for further development and strengthening of the off-exchange currency market" it was not allowed to translate advance payments, and also to pay works (service) in offshore zones". Further.
B 2003 in connection with acceptance by the Republic of Uzbekistan of obligations within article VIII of Articles of the Agreement of the IMF - Cabinet of Ministers of RU Mezhd TOUGHENED the previous Resolution of 2000 according to requirements. Currency Fonda. (NOTE. Russia, Great Britain, the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic imposed a ban on work with the offshore companies ONLY in 9 - 12 years after Uzbekistan. Fact? Fact). Further.
Ministry of Justice issued "The provision on a procedure of monitoring of validity of carrying out by legal entities and individuals of currency transactions". (Ministry of Justice. 04.10.2003г. No. 1281).
DECLARED Position No. 1281 of Ministry of Justice - "… FOR IDENTIFICATION of SIGNS of UNREASONABLE MONEY TRANSFER ABROAD …". The document reliably protected interests of the state, answered presidential recommendations. Specifically, intelligibly. But the DECLARATION was followed BY DISCREDIT of the decisions by the management of Ministry of Justice.
One of members of the Supervisory Board of "Uzbekenergo" at the height of an antistate call of the shoismatovsky company - took consistently positions - the Deputy minister of justice, Previous. Constitutional court, Minister of Justice. This is the known militiaman Buritosh MUSTAFAYEV. All years it beheld -
1. purposeful hauling of the Uzbekistan wealth on the and foreign apartments,
2.ekologichesky genocide of the population of the Surkhan-Darya region (Aluminum plant),
3. assistance in rendering construction of Rogunsky hydroelectric power station without the conclusion of experts of professionals,
4. the garbled materials and hypocritical interviews about achieved success in 100% population supply by the electric power.
the Eminent militiaman worked in interests of family of Shoismatov, heads of the State Office of Public Prosecutor and other members of the Uzbek management. Here it as the Chairman of the Supreme Court of RU sits on "throne"
to Buritosh it is not a shame under the Uzbek symbolics and a flag "not to notice" thievish colleagues? Because of such "UNTOUCHABLE" serious achievements of Uzbekistan appear on a civilization roadside. Observers – naplevatel. VOPIET power complex business, as well as the rotted-through judicial system of Uzbekistan.

Be continued
Zakhidov Marat, board member of KZPL.
01.02. 2016 . Tashkent.