Football players of Northern Ireland will not play from Russian national team

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the National team of Northern Ireland will not play a friendly match from football Russian national team on the eve of the European championship-2016. The Irish football association disproved the fact of negotiations with the Russian side.

After EURO-2016 lot the head of the Russian football union Vitaly Mutko declared that negotiations on carrying out a friendly match between Russian national team and one of the British teams are conducted on June 4 or 5. Thus the Russian national team will not meet England and Wales owing to that these teams are rivals of Russians on group "B" of continental superiority. At Scotland friendly game is planned for these terms with a team of France.

And if plans for carrying out game with the team professing the British style of soccer, still in force, the only real option for our national team is game with team of Ireland, reports Chempionat.Ru. Nevertheless, in Football association of Ireland reported that at the Irish national team friendly matches are not planned for June.

Vitaly Mutko
Main activity:Culture and sports
Futbolnaya association