In hotel in the capital of Burkina Faso there were explosions and firing

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In the largest hotel Ouagadougou Splendid popular with foreigners, including the staff of the UN, explosions and firing are audible, fighters took hostages.

provide information that near hotel the car burns, there is a firefight with police, transfers TASS with reference to Reuters.

Attacking were in turbans, allegedly it is Islamists, transfers RIA Novosti news agency with reference to Agence France Presse.

"At present attack proceeds. We try to determine number of our actions attacking for the best coordination. There are hostages", - reported a source in local police.

It is reported about victims.

In the country fighters from the organization of Tuaregs of NDOA act. They fight for obtaining independence of the region Azawad of the Sahara Desert which includes the northeast and the East of Mali, the North of Burkina Faso, the West and the northwest of Niger, and also the southeast of Algeria and the southwest of Libya.

According to local mass media, earlier movement of Tuaregs was supported by the former leader of the Libyan Jamahiriya Muammar Gaddafi who was killed during revolution in 2011, and the last wave of violence from separatists allegedly was forced by the former supporters who have joined their ranks of Gaddafi.

At the end of 2015 in for the first time almost in 30 years chose the new president of Burkina Faso. The former prime minister of the country Rock Mark Christian Kabore became him.

The transition period in Burkina Faso began fall of last year after falling of a mode of the president Blaise CompaorÑ which ruled the country of 27 years. New elections had to pass in October, however on September 16 group of the military personnel of the elite republican guard, dissatisfied with actions of the top management of the country, detained the interim president Michel Kafando and members of the government headed by the prime minister Isaak Zida. Kafangdo was released on September 18, Zida – on September 22 .

Release of the prime minister happened after to the capital of Burkina Faso, the city of Ouagadougou, the army entered.