The son of the former prime minister of Udmurtia Mikhail Pitkevich will leave a post of the deputy governor of the Smolensk region

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according to the governor of the region, it initially agreed with Pitkevich about work for one term of office. The son of the former prime minister of Udmurtia Mikhail Pitkevich will leave a post of the deputy governor of the Smolensk region Photo :

Izhevsk. Udmurtia. The son of the former Prime Minister of Udmurtia Yury Pitkevich Mikhail will leave a post of the deputy governor of the Smolensk region. As writes , it was declared by the head of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovsky.

according to the governor, the parties initially agreed that Pitkevich Jr. will work during one term. "It comes back to Moscow and will be engaged in something in other, - Ostrovsky noted. - At it changed besides also family circumstances, it had the third son. His family, unlike mine, always lived in Moscow. Therefore for the last half a year single days when he saw the son". Now Mikhail Pitkevich will spend more time with a family. we Will remind p to

that Mikhail Pitkevich occupied a post of the deputy governor the Smolensk region in May, 2012. His father – Yury Pitkevich – left a chair the prime minister of Udmurtia in March, 2014.

our reference: Pitkevich Mikhail Yuryevich was born strong on February 19, 1979 in Glazova Udmurtskaya to Республики.


В 2001 year the International University (Moscow) graduated from "Management" majoring in.

B 2004 ended postgraduate study of the All-Russian center of a standard of living (Moscow), the scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences is appropriated.

B 2009 graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow) in "The public and municipal administration".

Professional activity:

of 1999-2002 - the Assistant to the director general on JSC BELKAMNEFT development, Izhevsk.

of 2002 - 2003 - the Executive director of JSC IFC, Moscow.

of 2003 - 2004 - the Director general of JSC United Oil Company (JSC BELKAMNEFT and JSC KOMINEFT), Moscow.

of 2004 - 2007 - the Deputy director general of JSC Delta Holding, Moscow.

of 2007 - 2011. - Deputy of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly of the fifth convocation, vice-chairman of the State Duma Committee on the industry, Moscow.

of 2011 - 05.2012 - the Chairman of the board of directors of JSC ASPEK, Izhevsk.

of 05.2012 - 09.2015 - the deputy governor of the Smolensk region