Government of the Udmurt Republic Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI want to wish to farmers for these two days of good revenue. Really, it is good opportunity to prove to be, open for themselves new sales markets and to communicate to colleaguesI want to wish to farmers for these two days of good revenue. Really, it is good opportunity to prove to be, open for themselves new sales markets and to communicate to colleagues8/28/2018Svetich agromedia holdingToday met on September 1 conversation with future graduates about career and personal development. Someone already knows, what profession will choose (the landscape designer, for example! ) someone else searching, but the main thing - at everyone is desire to learn the new9/1/2018Project Sus@ninI want to wish to farmers for these two days of good revenue. Really, it is good opportunity to prove to be, open for themselves new sales markets and to communicate to colleaguesI want to wish to farmers for these two days of good revenue. Really, it is good opportunity to prove to be, open for themselves new sales markets and to communicate to colleagues8/28/2018Svetich agromedia holdingToday met on September 1 conversation with future graduates about career and personal development. Someone already knows, what profession will choose (the landscape designer, for example! ) someone else searching, but the main thing - at everyone is desire to learn the new9/1/2018Project Sus@ninI want to wish to farmers for these two days of good revenue. Really, it is good opportunity to prove to be, open for themselves new sales markets and to communicate to colleaguesI want to wish to farmers for these two days of good revenue. Really, it is good opportunity to prove to be, open for themselves new sales markets and to communicate to colleagues8/28/2018Svetich agromedia holding12172Company-related news+39 last weekChairmanJaroslaw Semenov0Media ScoreChairmanJaroslaw Semenov293Connections+128 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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