Oleg Belozerov Last position: The CEO - the chairman of the board (JSC "RZHD")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowFor those who works in the region of the Far North or the districts equated to them, since October 1 of the current year the "northern" extra charge to a salary in the maximum size will be paid from the first day of work, without an experienceFor those who works in the region of the Far North or the districts equated to them, since October 1 of the current year the "northern" extra charge to a salary in the maximum size will be paid from the first day of work, without an experience11/17/2023Partner Russian RailwayNow trains go on MTsK with an interval of 4 minutes. With an interval of 3 minutes the control system built only on human resources, will not consult, and for it it is necessary to pass just to pilotless movement12/5/2023VgudokFrom three routes we increased transportations on federal to 50 routes. This year we plan to transport 380 thousand touristsFrom three routes we increased transportations on federal to 50 routes. This year we plan to transport 380 thousand tourists11/19/2023SmotrimFor those who works in the region of the Far North or the districts equated to them, since October 1 of the current year the "northern" extra charge to a salary in the maximum size will be paid from the first day of work, without an experienceFor those who works in the region of the Far North or the districts equated to them, since October 1 of the current year the "northern" extra charge to a salary in the maximum size will be paid from the first day of work, without an experience11/17/2023Partner Russian RailwayNow trains go on MTsK with an interval of 4 minutes. With an interval of 3 minutes the control system built only on human resources, will not consult, and for it it is necessary to pass just to pilotless movement12/5/2023VgudokFrom three routes we increased transportations on federal to 50 routes. This year we plan to transport 380 thousand touristsFrom three routes we increased transportations on federal to 50 routes. This year we plan to transport 380 thousand tourists11/19/2023SmotrimFor those who works in the region of the Far North or the districts equated to them, since October 1 of the current year the "northern" extra charge to a salary in the maximum size will be paid from the first day of work, without an experienceFor those who works in the region of the Far North or the districts equated to them, since October 1 of the current year the "northern" extra charge to a salary in the maximum size will be paid from the first day of work, without an experience11/17/2023Partner Russian Railway123200Related events+59 last weekThe CEO - the chairman of the boardJSC "RZHD"Media Score: LowThe CEO - the chairman of the boardJSC "RZHD"54years oldBornSeptember 26, 1969VentspilsMarried toOlga Belozyorova458Connections+131 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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