Марьяна Владимировна Безуглая Last position: (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreSomeone can call to me the objective reason why in forces of defense [Ukraine] now somewhere one million, and about 300 thousand are at war? What do other 700 thousand? Someone can call to me the objective reason why in forces of defense [Ukraine] now somewhere one million, and about 300 thousand are at war? What do other 700 thousand? 12/14/2023Gazeta.RuA concept including that if you are a volunteer, the state serves you, service approach. If is not present, can apply coercion. If you are a deviator — restriction of the rights12/18/2023periodical e-edition "Lenta.ru"To fighting positions — only at will, and here operators, financiers, lawyers, personnel officers, cooks and so on — and not just physicians — in VSU are necessaryTo fighting positions — only at will, and here operators, financiers, lawyers, personnel officers, cooks and so on — and not just physicians — in VSU are necessary12/14/2023Gazeta.RuSomeone can call to me the objective reason why in forces of defense [Ukraine] now somewhere one million, and about 300 thousand are at war? What do other 700 thousand? Someone can call to me the objective reason why in forces of defense [Ukraine] now somewhere one million, and about 300 thousand are at war? What do other 700 thousand? 12/14/2023Gazeta.RuA concept including that if you are a volunteer, the state serves you, service approach. If is not present, can apply coercion. If you are a deviator — restriction of the rights12/18/2023periodical e-edition "Lenta.ru"To fighting positions — only at will, and here operators, financiers, lawyers, personnel officers, cooks and so on — and not just physicians — in VSU are necessaryTo fighting positions — only at will, and here operators, financiers, lawyers, personnel officers, cooks and so on — and not just physicians — in VSU are necessary12/14/2023Gazeta.RuSomeone can call to me the objective reason why in forces of defense [Ukraine] now somewhere one million, and about 300 thousand are at war? What do other 700 thousand? Someone can call to me the objective reason why in forces of defense [Ukraine] now somewhere one million, and about 300 thousand are at war? What do other 700 thousand? 12/14/2023Gazeta.Ru123473Related events+44 last weekThe Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine0Media ScoreThe Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine36years oldBornMay 17, 1988KievRelationship status: no data456Connections+111 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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