Vadim Alekseevich Reshetnik Last position: Minister (Ministry of Transport and Highways of the Ryazan region)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowOn the small platform the device of the top coat layer is complete, earthwork on soil sites is also made. On the big platform asphalting is executed. The access road to the airport, a platform to fire tanks] is equippeOn the small platform the device of the top coat layer is complete, earthwork on soil sites is also made. On the big platform asphalting is executed. The access road to the airport, a platform to fire tanks] is equippe12/8/2023Aviation ExplorerIn Transbaikalia according to the program 6 724 mortgage loans are given out, 15 064 demands are approved. The average percent of approval made 52,4%, and the average sum of the credit – 3,90 million rubles12/14/2023стройкомплекс.рфOn the first site experts equipped two bus stops and made protivonaledny actions in the form of the device of two additional mountain ditches on the right on the 203rd kilometer for naledeobrazovaniye prevention near the carriagewayOn the first site experts equipped two bus stops and made protivonaledny actions in the form of the device of two additional mountain ditches on the right on the 203rd kilometer for naledeobrazovaniye prevention near the carriageway12/14/2023Dorinfo — Road newsOn the small platform the device of the top coat layer is complete, earthwork on soil sites is also made. On the big platform asphalting is executed. The access road to the airport, a platform to fire tanks] is equippeOn the small platform the device of the top coat layer is complete, earthwork on soil sites is also made. On the big platform asphalting is executed. The access road to the airport, a platform to fire tanks] is equippe12/8/2023Aviation ExplorerIn Transbaikalia according to the program 6 724 mortgage loans are given out, 15 064 demands are approved. The average percent of approval made 52,4%, and the average sum of the credit – 3,90 million rubles12/14/2023стройкомплекс.рфOn the first site experts equipped two bus stops and made protivonaledny actions in the form of the device of two additional mountain ditches on the right on the 203rd kilometer for naledeobrazovaniye prevention near the carriagewayOn the first site experts equipped two bus stops and made protivonaledny actions in the form of the device of two additional mountain ditches on the right on the 203rd kilometer for naledeobrazovaniye prevention near the carriageway12/14/2023Dorinfo — Road newsOn the small platform the device of the top coat layer is complete, earthwork on soil sites is also made. On the big platform asphalting is executed. The access road to the airport, a platform to fire tanks] is equippeOn the small platform the device of the top coat layer is complete, earthwork on soil sites is also made. On the big platform asphalting is executed. The access road to the airport, a platform to fire tanks] is equippe12/8/2023Aviation Explorer1230Related events+0 last weekMedia Score: Low43years oldBornJanuary 26, 1981Sosnovy BorRelationship status: He is marriedConnectionsno dataNewsConnections Tree
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Large businessАлена Кужикова возглавила Минстрой ЗабайкальяChita. Ru2/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.2 minSiberian Federal DistrictНазначен новый глава Минстроя ЗабайкальяZABmedia.ru2/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography24 secLarge businessРекорд! Новый министр строительства Забайкалья покинул свой пост спустя 2,5 месяца работыChita. Ru2/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.5 minPoliticsВ Забайкалье сняли с должности главу регионального Минстроя2/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography22 secPoliticsЭкс-глава рязанского минтранса проработал на посту министра строительства Забайкалья 2,5 месяцаRyazan business portal of YA62.RU2/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia14 secPoliticsОсипов отправил в отставку главу минстроя Забайкалья2/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography6 sec