Sosnovy Bor Leningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe Tikhvin area is in leaders of vaccination, 21,5 percent of adult population here are already imparted. Also in the three of leaders – the Kingisepp area and the city Pine BohrThe Tikhvin area is in leaders of vaccination, 21,5 percent of adult population here are already imparted. Also in the three of leaders – the Kingisepp area and the city Pine Bohr5/24/2021Sergei VylegzhaninI thank Rosenergoatom Concern that becomes joint efforts that educational process in. Pine Bohr came to new level, and pupils gained new knowledge and successfully applied them in the future2/8/2023Mikhail VoronkovThe Tikhvin area is in leaders of vaccination, 21,5 percent of adult population here are already imparted. Also in the three of leaders – the Kingisepp area and the city Pine BohrThe Tikhvin area is in leaders of vaccination, 21,5 percent of adult population here are already imparted. Also in the three of leaders – the Kingisepp area and the city Pine Bohr5/24/2021Sergei VylegzhaninI thank Rosenergoatom Concern that becomes joint efforts that educational process in. Pine Bohr came to new level, and pupils gained new knowledge and successfully applied them in the future2/8/2023Mikhail VoronkovThe Tikhvin area is in leaders of vaccination, 21,5 percent of adult population here are already imparted. Also in the three of leaders – the Kingisepp area and the city Pine BohrThe Tikhvin area is in leaders of vaccination, 21,5 percent of adult population here are already imparted. Also in the three of leaders – the Kingisepp area and the city Pine Bohr5/24/2021Sergei Vylegzhanin1223Region News+10 last weekHead of the municipality since 2019Mikhail VoronkovMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2019Mikhail Voronkov19years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 20065:10:10 PMGMT+347RUS781369Dialing code97Connections+27 last weekPopulation67 720NewsConnections Tree
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