Nicholas Kolpakov Last position: Rector (FGBOU VO ALTAI STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institutionThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institution12/7/2023MK-BarnaulThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institution12/10/2023Алтайская правдаThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institutionThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institution12/7/2023MK-BarnaulThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institution12/10/2023Алтайская правдаThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institutionThe image which has been cornerstone of a memorable sign, is symbolical. The ear grows from grain, from an ear the crop turns out. It is some kind of analog of life of students who are cultivated by teachers of our higher education institution12/7/2023MK-Barnaul1219Related events+2 last weekRectorFGBOU VO ALTAI STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONMedia Score: LowRectorFGBOU VO ALTAI STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION61years oldBorn1963ZudilovoRelationship status: no data54Connections+9 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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