Mikhail Mikhaylovich Popov Last position: Deputy secretary (Security Council of the Russian Federation)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowIt is paradoxical, but the Ukrainian vessels became their first victims: the pilot boat "Orlik" and plavkran which went this "Orlik" to lift from a bottomIt is paradoxical, but the Ukrainian vessels became their first victims: the pilot boat "Orlik" and plavkran which went this "Orlik" to lift from a bottom12/8/2023M24If there will be a new tragedy, the western promotion on already fulfilled template will accuse of all sins Russia12/8/2023РИА Новости КрымDuring a storm height an ox reached nine meters. This storm became the strongest for the last decades. It could disseminate minefields which were established earlier by the Ukrainian soldiers. For civil vessels it is big dangerDuring a storm height an ox reached nine meters. This storm became the strongest for the last decades. It could disseminate minefields which were established earlier by the Ukrainian soldiers. For civil vessels it is big danger12/8/2023periodical e-edition "MK.ru"It is paradoxical, but the Ukrainian vessels became their first victims: the pilot boat "Orlik" and plavkran which went this "Orlik" to lift from a bottomIt is paradoxical, but the Ukrainian vessels became their first victims: the pilot boat "Orlik" and plavkran which went this "Orlik" to lift from a bottom12/8/2023M24If there will be a new tragedy, the western promotion on already fulfilled template will accuse of all sins Russia12/8/2023РИА Новости КрымDuring a storm height an ox reached nine meters. This storm became the strongest for the last decades. It could disseminate minefields which were established earlier by the Ukrainian soldiers. For civil vessels it is big dangerDuring a storm height an ox reached nine meters. This storm became the strongest for the last decades. It could disseminate minefields which were established earlier by the Ukrainian soldiers. For civil vessels it is big danger12/8/2023periodical e-edition "MK.ru"It is paradoxical, but the Ukrainian vessels became their first victims: the pilot boat "Orlik" and plavkran which went this "Orlik" to lift from a bottomIt is paradoxical, but the Ukrainian vessels became their first victims: the pilot boat "Orlik" and plavkran which went this "Orlik" to lift from a bottom12/8/2023M241230Related events+0 last weekDeputy secretarySecurity Council of the Russian FederationMedia Score: LowDeputy secretarySecurity Council of the Russian Federation73years oldBornMay 30, 1951Khabarovsk territoryRelationship status: no dataConnectionsno dataNewsConnections Tree
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