Nicholas Larin Last position: Director (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION FC "CHERTANOVO")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowNever considered that in the championship of Russia there are a lot of qualitative legionaries. They were not much as is not present and now. I see prospect of growth of the championship and interest to it not because of average foreignersNever considered that in the championship of Russia there are a lot of qualitative legionaries. They were not much as is not present and now. I see prospect of growth of the championship and interest to it not because of average foreigners12/16/2023Evro-futbol.ruPinyaev does not meet someone's expectations? There was one known football player who told: "Your expectations — yours problemyy12/17/2023Evro-futbol.ruNever considered that in the championship of Russia there are a lot of qualitative legionaries. They were not much as is not present and now. I see prospect of growth of the championship and interest to it not because of average foreignersNever considered that in the championship of Russia there are a lot of qualitative legionaries. They were not much as is not present and now. I see prospect of growth of the championship and interest to it not because of average foreigners12/16/2023Evro-futbol.ruPinyaev does not meet someone's expectations? There was one known football player who told: "Your expectations — yours problemyy12/17/2023Evro-futbol.ruNever considered that in the championship of Russia there are a lot of qualitative legionaries. They were not much as is not present and now. I see prospect of growth of the championship and interest to it not because of average foreignersNever considered that in the championship of Russia there are a lot of qualitative legionaries. They were not much as is not present and now. I see prospect of growth of the championship and interest to it not because of average foreigners12/16/2023Evro-futbol.ru124Related events+0 last weekMedia Score: Low52years oldBornNovember 21, 1972Relationship status: no data14Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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SoccerНиколай Ларин высказался о главном тренере самарских «Крыльев» Игоре Осинькине10/9/2024PeopleGeographyMedia28 secSoccer«Осинькин остается в «Крыльях» — так и должно было быть» — Ларинsports online portal ""10/9/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts39 secSoccer«Осинькин остается в «Крыльях» — так и должно было быть» — ЛаринTV match10/9/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts43 secOtherН. Ларин: Ситуация с Игорем Осинькиным показала, что «Крылья» — это единое целоеProGorodSamara.ru10/9/2024PeopleGeographyMediaProducts31 secPoliticsЛарин — о сохранении Осинькина в «Крыльях»: «Очень рад, что Игорю Витальевичу была оказана такая поддержка»Sport Express10/9/2024PeopleGeographyMediaProducts26 secSoccerЭкс-директор академии "Чертаново" Ларин по поводу травмы Глушенкова: сначала везло, потом не повезлоPravda.ru10/8/2024PeopleGeographyMedia55 sec