Sergei Zhukov Last position: Singer, soloist of the pop group "Hands up!"Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowAbout 99% of actors who participate in creation of any points of a public catering, stupidly give them the name. I know that occurs in each bar of our country. First of all people write me, I ask at once questions to the directorAbout 99% of actors who participate in creation of any points of a public catering, stupidly give them the name. I know that occurs in each bar of our country. First of all people write me, I ask at once questions to the director12/2/2023Russian information agency "Ura.Ru"I now go across Yekaterinburg and at all I do not understand where I go. The city was very much built up. It absolutely other city unlike that was in 1996 when we came here for the first time12/2/2023FederalpressWe on life had a competition to "Ivanushkami". They publish the song – and we in reply. They – "A doll Masha, and we – "My crumb" and so onWe on life had a competition to "Ivanushkami". They publish the song – and we in reply. They – "A doll Masha, and we – "My crumb" and so on12/2/2023FederalpressAbout 99% of actors who participate in creation of any points of a public catering, stupidly give them the name. I know that occurs in each bar of our country. First of all people write me, I ask at once questions to the directorAbout 99% of actors who participate in creation of any points of a public catering, stupidly give them the name. I know that occurs in each bar of our country. First of all people write me, I ask at once questions to the director12/2/2023Russian information agency "Ura.Ru"I now go across Yekaterinburg and at all I do not understand where I go. The city was very much built up. It absolutely other city unlike that was in 1996 when we came here for the first time12/2/2023FederalpressWe on life had a competition to "Ivanushkami". They publish the song – and we in reply. They – "A doll Masha, and we – "My crumb" and so onWe on life had a competition to "Ivanushkami". They publish the song – and we in reply. They – "A doll Masha, and we – "My crumb" and so on12/2/2023FederalpressAbout 99% of actors who participate in creation of any points of a public catering, stupidly give them the name. I know that occurs in each bar of our country. First of all people write me, I ask at once questions to the directorAbout 99% of actors who participate in creation of any points of a public catering, stupidly give them the name. I know that occurs in each bar of our country. First of all people write me, I ask at once questions to the director12/2/2023Russian information agency "Ura.Ru"123154Related events+36 last weekMedia Score: Low48years oldBornMay 22, 1976DimitrovgradRelationship status: He is married436Connections+70 last weekNewsConnections Tree
Social activitiesЖуков заявил о вводе ограничений по продаже алкоголя после отравления в бареmedia holding "REN TV"10/29/2024People40 secAccidentsСергей Жуков поможет посетительнице его бара "Руки Вверх!", которая впала в комуonline newspaper "Vesti.Ru"10/29/2024PeopleMediaProducts31 secAccidentsГоспитализированная после 24 шотов москвичка рассказала, что у нее обнаружили пневмониюM2410/30/2024PeopleMediaProducts46 secHealthПодруга попавшей в больницу после 20 шотов москвички рассказала о ее состоянииM2410/30/2024PeopleMediaProducts51 secAccidentsНарколог Казанцев: у напившейся до комы москвички не сработал рвотный рефлексRT in Russian10/30/2024PeopleGeographyMedia32 secConcertsПисатель Минаев рассказал о выходе своего нового журнала «Чтиво». На Ямале газета «Красный Север» получила нового главного редактораYesterday at 9:58 AMPeopleGeographyMediaProducts40 sec
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Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today9Paperless technologiesRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations23Places9Events5People4Technologies4
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