Rustem Gafarov Last position: Head (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowTo carry out demolition of unauthorized construction (trade object), located on the land plot at the address: Kazan. m. Flocks, Tsentralnaya St., near the house No. 49, of 20 square meters (one-storeyed, uninhabited, a material of walls — a brick)To carry out demolition of unauthorized construction (trade object), located on the land plot at the address: Kazan. m. Flocks, Tsentralnaya St., near the house No. 49, of 20 square meters (one-storeyed, uninhabited, a material of walls — a brick)11/30/2023Online businessIn borders of a zone of planned placement of objects of capital construction of a multystoried housing estate placement of six housing estates] is planne12/7/2023Online businessTo carry out demolition of unauthorized construction (trade object), located on the land plot at the address: Kazan. m. Flocks, Tsentralnaya St., near the house No. 49, of 20 square meters (one-storeyed, uninhabited, a material of walls — a brick)To carry out demolition of unauthorized construction (trade object), located on the land plot at the address: Kazan. m. Flocks, Tsentralnaya St., near the house No. 49, of 20 square meters (one-storeyed, uninhabited, a material of walls — a brick)11/30/2023Online businessIn borders of a zone of planned placement of objects of capital construction of a multystoried housing estate placement of six housing estates] is planne12/7/2023Online businessTo carry out demolition of unauthorized construction (trade object), located on the land plot at the address: Kazan. m. Flocks, Tsentralnaya St., near the house No. 49, of 20 square meters (one-storeyed, uninhabited, a material of walls — a brick)To carry out demolition of unauthorized construction (trade object), located on the land plot at the address: Kazan. m. Flocks, Tsentralnaya St., near the house No. 49, of 20 square meters (one-storeyed, uninhabited, a material of walls — a brick)11/30/2023Online business1214Related events+2 last weekHeadExecutive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan cityMedia Score: LowHeadExecutive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city59years oldBornOctober 11, 1965KazanRelationship status: He is married49Connections+31 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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