Svetlana Gruznykh Last position: Chief (Department of Labour and Employment of Population of the Tomsk region)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreVersatile children's hospital on 475 beds plan to construct in the Northern medical town where some modern clinics already settle down. It will allow to render different types of medical aid in one placeVersatile children's hospital on 475 beds plan to construct in the Northern medical town where some modern clinics already settle down. It will allow to render different types of medical aid in one place12/12/2023MK in TomskThe fund works with rehabilitation actions over full social escort of veterans: from paperwork, receiving measures of a social support before retraining and employment12/16/2023MK in TomskFor each participant of special operation the fund makes the individual plan of complex maintenance taking into account requirements addressed, including weights of the fighting tasks of wounds got at performanceFor each participant of special operation the fund makes the individual plan of complex maintenance taking into account requirements addressed, including weights of the fighting tasks of wounds got at performance12/15/2023Комсомольская правда ТомскVersatile children's hospital on 475 beds plan to construct in the Northern medical town where some modern clinics already settle down. It will allow to render different types of medical aid in one placeVersatile children's hospital on 475 beds plan to construct in the Northern medical town where some modern clinics already settle down. It will allow to render different types of medical aid in one place12/12/2023MK in TomskThe fund works with rehabilitation actions over full social escort of veterans: from paperwork, receiving measures of a social support before retraining and employment12/16/2023MK in TomskFor each participant of special operation the fund makes the individual plan of complex maintenance taking into account requirements addressed, including weights of the fighting tasks of wounds got at performanceFor each participant of special operation the fund makes the individual plan of complex maintenance taking into account requirements addressed, including weights of the fighting tasks of wounds got at performance12/15/2023Комсомольская правда ТомскVersatile children's hospital on 475 beds plan to construct in the Northern medical town where some modern clinics already settle down. It will allow to render different types of medical aid in one placeVersatile children's hospital on 475 beds plan to construct in the Northern medical town where some modern clinics already settle down. It will allow to render different types of medical aid in one place12/12/2023MK in Tomsk12317Related events+1 last weekChiefDepartment of Labour and Employment of Population of the Tomsk region0Media ScoreChiefDepartment of Labour and Employment of Population of the Tomsk region49years oldBorn1975KargasokRelationship status: She is married76Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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