+1Public figureOfficialIrina Gekht Last position: First deputy governor (Government of the Chelyabinsk region)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreIt was necessary to finish final finishing, to establish bathroom equipment, heating devices, to mount ventilation. Let's update all necessary equipment, furniture, soft stockIt was necessary to finish final finishing, to establish bathroom equipment, heating devices, to mount ventilation. Let's update all necessary equipment, furniture, soft stock12/7/2023Южноуральская панорамаSuch people are very necessary to the region. Will try gradually, step by step to satisfy need of our territories, especially rural, in the qualified younger medical personnel12/17/2023Южноуральская панорамаAre right and arguing that in the house, probably, undue image the weapon was stored. But I each time think as far as the child who decided in itself on such desperate act has to be lonelyAre right and arguing that in the house, probably, undue image the weapon was stored. But I each time think as far as the child who decided in itself on such desperate act has to be lonely12/8/2023FederalpressIt was necessary to finish final finishing, to establish bathroom equipment, heating devices, to mount ventilation. Let's update all necessary equipment, furniture, soft stockIt was necessary to finish final finishing, to establish bathroom equipment, heating devices, to mount ventilation. Let's update all necessary equipment, furniture, soft stock12/7/2023Южноуральская панорамаSuch people are very necessary to the region. Will try gradually, step by step to satisfy need of our territories, especially rural, in the qualified younger medical personnel12/17/2023Южноуральская панорамаAre right and arguing that in the house, probably, undue image the weapon was stored. But I each time think as far as the child who decided in itself on such desperate act has to be lonelyAre right and arguing that in the house, probably, undue image the weapon was stored. But I each time think as far as the child who decided in itself on such desperate act has to be lonely12/8/2023FederalpressIt was necessary to finish final finishing, to establish bathroom equipment, heating devices, to mount ventilation. Let's update all necessary equipment, furniture, soft stockIt was necessary to finish final finishing, to establish bathroom equipment, heating devices, to mount ventilation. Let's update all necessary equipment, furniture, soft stock12/7/2023Южноуральская панорама12317Related events+4 last weekFirst deputy governorGovernment of the Chelyabinsk region0Media ScoreFirst deputy governorGovernment of the Chelyabinsk region54years oldBornNovember 30, 1969ShchuchyeMarried toAndrey Nekipelov70Connections+39 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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