+1Cultural workerOfficialNicholas Maksimovich Tsiskaridze Last position: Acting as rector (Academy Russian ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganovoy)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreI communicated to it (Tributes Milokhin – an editor's note) on one shooting, and there was very ridiculous situation. It was clear that level of education of the boy which became very known, below sea-levelI communicated to it (Tributes Milokhin – an editor's note) on one shooting, and there was very ridiculous situation. It was clear that level of education of the boy which became very known, below sea-level12/16/2023Passion.ruYou not simply soloist, you are a person orchestra! Such remarkable variations on fine, the most beloved us since the childhood a song force to trust in a miracle12/18/2023SmotrimEach time when the bayan player or the accordion player steps on the stage, on heart warmly. And the Frame at us not simply musician, he is the person orchestraEach time when the bayan player or the accordion player steps on the stage, on heart warmly. And the Frame at us not simply musician, he is the person orchestra12/17/2023It is aware (Perm)I communicated to it (Tributes Milokhin – an editor's note) on one shooting, and there was very ridiculous situation. It was clear that level of education of the boy which became very known, below sea-levelI communicated to it (Tributes Milokhin – an editor's note) on one shooting, and there was very ridiculous situation. It was clear that level of education of the boy which became very known, below sea-level12/16/2023Passion.ruYou not simply soloist, you are a person orchestra! Such remarkable variations on fine, the most beloved us since the childhood a song force to trust in a miracle12/18/2023SmotrimEach time when the bayan player or the accordion player steps on the stage, on heart warmly. And the Frame at us not simply musician, he is the person orchestraEach time when the bayan player or the accordion player steps on the stage, on heart warmly. And the Frame at us not simply musician, he is the person orchestra12/17/2023It is aware (Perm)I communicated to it (Tributes Milokhin – an editor's note) on one shooting, and there was very ridiculous situation. It was clear that level of education of the boy which became very known, below sea-levelI communicated to it (Tributes Milokhin – an editor's note) on one shooting, and there was very ridiculous situation. It was clear that level of education of the boy which became very known, below sea-level12/16/2023Passion.ru123353Related events+119 last weekActing as rectorAcademy Russian ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganovoy0Media ScoreActing as rectorAcademy Russian ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganovoy50years oldBornDecember 31, 1973TbilisiRelationship status: He is single529Connections+193 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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