+1ScientistOfficialGennady Krasnikov Last position: President (RAS)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThis work will develop, and we consider that literally in the next 4–5 years we will see absolutely high-quality changes on a condition of microelectronic technologies in the Russian FederationThis work will develop, and we consider that literally in the next 4–5 years we will see absolutely high-quality changes on a condition of microelectronic technologies in the Russian Federation12/13/2023InScienceThis anniversary turns us to the richest practical experience which has been saved up in IT industry by our experts, and also to the strongest schools of sciences which continue to develop and involve today young talented scientists12/17/2023ПОИСКProductivity of computers increases in 1000 of times. If earlier the task was started on the computer and there were 10 years, now — 3 secondsProductivity of computers increases in 1000 of times. If earlier the task was started on the computer and there were 10 years, now — 3 seconds12/13/2023InScienceThis work will develop, and we consider that literally in the next 4–5 years we will see absolutely high-quality changes on a condition of microelectronic technologies in the Russian FederationThis work will develop, and we consider that literally in the next 4–5 years we will see absolutely high-quality changes on a condition of microelectronic technologies in the Russian Federation12/13/2023InScienceThis anniversary turns us to the richest practical experience which has been saved up in IT industry by our experts, and also to the strongest schools of sciences which continue to develop and involve today young talented scientists12/17/2023ПОИСКProductivity of computers increases in 1000 of times. If earlier the task was started on the computer and there were 10 years, now — 3 secondsProductivity of computers increases in 1000 of times. If earlier the task was started on the computer and there were 10 years, now — 3 seconds12/13/2023InScienceThis work will develop, and we consider that literally in the next 4–5 years we will see absolutely high-quality changes on a condition of microelectronic technologies in the Russian FederationThis work will develop, and we consider that literally in the next 4–5 years we will see absolutely high-quality changes on a condition of microelectronic technologies in the Russian Federation12/13/2023InScience12366Related events+17 last weekPresidentRASMedia Score: LowPresidentRAS66years oldBornApril 30, 1958TambovRelationship status: no data329Connections+162 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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