SOCIALIST POLITICAL PARTY "SPRAVEDLIVAYA ROSSIYA-PATRIOTY-ZA PRAVDU" Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSpeaking about an improvement subject, it never was the main problem in Moscow and for Muscovites. Moscow - the most beautiful capital, is the historical capital. And this beauty by nature, Moscow plastic surgeries are not necessarySpeaking about an improvement subject, it never was the main problem in Moscow and for Muscovites. Moscow - the most beautiful capital, is the historical capital. And this beauty by nature, Moscow plastic surgeries are not necessary8/30/2018Agency of city news "Moscow"Unsoluble problems do not happen. If they (retailers - a comment. Moscow agencies) will refuse cards, they will be made responsible by Rospotrebnadzor, the Central bank6/4/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"On the way bill of "a regulatory sandbox". I think that in March it is quite possible that this bill will be introduced (in the State Duma - a comment. Moscow agencies)On the way bill of "a regulatory sandbox". I think that in March it is quite possible that this bill will be introduced (in the State Duma - a comment. Moscow agencies)2/18/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Speaking about an improvement subject, it never was the main problem in Moscow and for Muscovites. Moscow - the most beautiful capital, is the historical capital. And this beauty by nature, Moscow plastic surgeries are not necessarySpeaking about an improvement subject, it never was the main problem in Moscow and for Muscovites. Moscow - the most beautiful capital, is the historical capital. And this beauty by nature, Moscow plastic surgeries are not necessary8/30/2018Agency of city news "Moscow"Unsoluble problems do not happen. If they (retailers - a comment. Moscow agencies) will refuse cards, they will be made responsible by Rospotrebnadzor, the Central bank6/4/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"On the way bill of "a regulatory sandbox". I think that in March it is quite possible that this bill will be introduced (in the State Duma - a comment. Moscow agencies)On the way bill of "a regulatory sandbox". I think that in March it is quite possible that this bill will be introduced (in the State Duma - a comment. Moscow agencies)2/18/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Speaking about an improvement subject, it never was the main problem in Moscow and for Muscovites. Moscow - the most beautiful capital, is the historical capital. And this beauty by nature, Moscow plastic surgeries are not necessarySpeaking about an improvement subject, it never was the main problem in Moscow and for Muscovites. Moscow - the most beautiful capital, is the historical capital. And this beauty by nature, Moscow plastic surgeries are not necessary8/30/2018Agency of city news "Moscow"1231,328Company-related news+304 last weekParty leaderSergei Mikhaylovich Mironov0Media Score250Rank positionParty leaderSergei Mikhaylovich MironovCountryRussian Federation1,583Connections+594 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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EntrepreneurshipНиколай Оганезов прокомментировал законопроект о повышении отчислений букмекеров до 3%2 hours agoCompaniesGeographyPeople1.4 minFinances & MarketsГлава Tennisi о повышении букмекерских отчислений: «10 миллионов нас не разорят»2 hours agoCompaniesPeopleGeography39 secSocial policyМиронов: СРЗП будет добиваться дополнительных выходных для родителей детей с инвалидностью2 hours agoProductsGeographyCompaniesPeople38 secFinances & MarketsВ Госдуме усомнились в возможности введения сейчас кредитов с господдержкой для автодилеров и их клиентовAgency of city news "Moscow"3 hours agoCompaniesPeopleGeography1.1 minSocial policyНина Останина о бездомных собаках, закрытии санатория «Южный Урал» и будущем «Звёздного»4 hours agoCompaniesPeopleGeography7 minOtherВ Госдуму внесен законопроект об увеличении сборов с букмекерских контор для поддержки спортаAgency of city news "Moscow"4 hours agoPeopleCompanies1.7 min
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